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Showing 500 pages using this property.
Elements (Stoicheia)  +
Divina Commedia  +
Utopia  +
The Prince (Il Principe)  +
Paradise Lost  +
Two Treatises of Government  +
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding  +
The Fable of the Bees  +
Gulliver's Travels  +
A Treatise of Human Nature  +
Man a Machine  +
Candide  +
The Social Contract: And, The First and Second Discourses  +
Dictionnaire Philosophique  +
Elements of Algebra  +
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations...  +
Common Sense  +
Critique of Pure Reason  +
Kant: Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals  +
Déclaration Des Droits De L'homme Et Du Citoyen  +
Reflections on the Revolution in France: And on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London Relative to That Event. In a Letter Intended to Have Been Sent to a Gentleman in Paris  +
Kant: The Metaphysics of Morals  +
Phenomenology of Spirit. 1807  +
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation  +
Wuthering Heights  +
The Communist Manifesto  +
Uncle Tom's Cabin  +
On Liberty  +
On the Origin of Species, by Means of Natural Selection; Or, The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life  +
Crime and Punishment:  +
Far from the Madding Crowd  +
Anna Karenina  +
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific Investigation  +
The Brothers Karamazov  +
A Confession  +
The Gay Science  +
The Right to Privacy  +
Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for all and None  +
Über Sinn und Bedeutung  +
The Theory of the Leisure Class  +
On Denoting  +
Of Human Bondage  +
Cours de Linguistique Générale  +
The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of the Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism  +
To The Lighthouse  +
A Room of One's Own  +
Civilization and Its Discontents  +
Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren (1930)  +
Brave New World  +
In Praise of Idleness: And Other Essays  +
Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung  +
On Computable Numbers, with An Application to the Entscheidungsproblem  +
Nausea  +
"Permanent" Technological Unemployment:: Demand for Commodities Is Not Demand for Labor  +
Socialism, Capitalism and Democracy  +
Being and Nothingness  +
Animal Farm: A Fairy Story  +
As We May Think  +
The Open Society and Its Enemies (Vol 2)  +
existentialism is a Humanism  +
Man's Search for Meaning  +
The Plague  +
The Proposition Bank: An Annotated Corpus with Semantic Roles  +
Letter to UAW President Walter Reuther  +
Computing Machinery and Intelligence  +
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night  +
Some Aspects of the Sequential Design of Experiments  +
Catch-22: A Novel  +
Philosophical Investigations  +
Distributional Structure  +
Citation Indexes for Science  +
Le Phénomène Humain  +
A Synopsis of Linguistic Theory, 1930-1955  +
Factors Relevant to the Validity of Experiments in Social Settings  +
Syntactic Structures  +
Automatic Linkage of Vital Records  +
Adaptive "Adaline" Neuron Using Chemical "memistors"  +
To Kill a Mockingbird  +
Baseball: An Automatic Question-answerer  +
Capital-labor Substitution and Economic Efficiency  +
GPS, a Program That Simulates Human Thought  +
Capitalism and Freedom  +
Record Linkage: Making maximum use of the discriminating power of identifying information  +
Revolutionary Road  +
Silent Spring  +
The Other America  +
The Process of Creative Thinking  +
The Feminine Mystique  +
A Technique for Computer Detection and Correction of Spelling Errors  +
The Use of Citation Data in Writing the History of Science  +
An Examination of Citation Indexes  +
Cluster Analysis of Multivariate Data: Efficiency Versus Interpretability of Classification  +
Cramming More Components Onto Integrated Circuits  +
Cybernetic Solution Path of an Experimental Problem  +
Lexicographic Etymology: Practice versus Theory  +
Networks of Scientific Papers  +
Prisoner's Dilemma: A Study in Conflict and Cooperation  +
Speculations Concerning the First Ultraintelligent Machine  +
The Shape of Automation for Men and Management  +
ELIZA - a Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man and Machine  +
The Logic of Tacit Inference  +
The Tacit Dimension  +
Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines  +
Nearest Neighbor Pattern Classification  +
One Hundred Years of Solitude  +
Step-wise Clustering Procedures  +
Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos Or Community? (Large Print 16pt)  +
A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect  +
The Case for Case  +
A theory for record linkage  +
Slaughterhouse-five: Or, the Children's Crusade, a Duty-dance with Death  +
A General Method Applicable to the Search for Similarities in the Amino Acid Sequence of Two Proteins  +
A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks  +
Adaptive "Adaline" Neuron Using Chemical "memistors"  +
An Efficient Context-Free Parsing Algorithm  +
Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work  +
Space/time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors  +
Spelling Correction in Systems Programs  +
Transition Network Grammars For Natural Language Analysis  +
A Theory of Justice  +
Graph-theoretical Methods For Detecting and Describing Gestalt Clusters  +
Descriptive, Predictive and Normative Theory  +
Generalized Iterative Scaling for Log-Linear Models  +
Regression Models and Life-tables  +
Subjective Probability: A Judgment of Representativeness  +
The Foundations of Statistics (2nd edition)  +
Co-citation in the Scientific Literature: A new measure of the relationship between two documents  +
Hockey Helmets, Concealed Weapons, and Daylight Saving: A Study of Binary Choices with Externalities  +
Information Theory and an Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Principle  +
Numerical Taxonomy: The Principles and Practice of Numerical Classification  +
Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis  +
Problems in Information Retrieval: Logical jumps in the expression of information  +
The Denial of Death  +
Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases  +
Obedience to Authority  +
Principles of Ethics: An Introduction  +
The Political Economy of the Rent-seeking Society  +
The String to String Correction Problem  +
A Linear Space Algorithm for Computing Maximal Common Subsequences  +
A Vector Space Model for Automatic Indexing  +
Clustering Algorithms  +
Some Results on the Function and Quality of Citations  +
The Mythical Man-month  +
Towards Automatic Indexing: Automatic assignment of controlled-language indexing and classification from free indexing  +
Cohesion in Spoken and Written English  +
The Entity-relationship Model—toward a Unified View of Data  +
The Selfish Gene  +
A Consideration on Normal Form of Not-Necessarily-Normalized Relation in the Relational Data Model  +
Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm  +
On the Creation and Use of English Compound Nouns  +
Developing a Natural Language Interface to Complex Data  +
Orientalism  +
Semantics and Quantification in Natural Language Question Answering  +
Statistics for Experimenters: An Introduction to Design, Data Analysis, and Model Building  +
The World According to Garp: A Novel  +
Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System  +
Biased Assimilation and Attitude Polarization: The Effects of Prior Theories on Subsequently Considered Evidence.  +
Bootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife  +
Godel, Escher, Bach  +
Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots  +
Social Network Analysis for Organizations  +
The Timeless Way of Building  +
An Algorithm for Suffix Stripping  +
Kripke versus Kant  +
Naming and Necessity  +
Unrealistic Optimism About Future Life Events.  +
Wealth Addiction  +
A Case for Rule-Driven Semantic Analysis  +
Identification of Common Molecular Subsequences  +
Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Item Parameters: Application of An EM Algorithm  +
Obasan. 1981  +
The Economics of Superstars  +
The Need for a Theory of Citing  +
Cache Memories  +
The Byzantine Generals Problem  +
The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda  +
The Varieties of Reference  +
Becoming a Strategic Reader  +
Building Expert Systems  +
Compound Noun Interpretation Problems  +
English Word-formation  +
IR-NLI: An Expert Natural Language Interface to Online Data Bases  +
Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval  +
Menu-based Natural Language Understanding  +
Providing a Unified Account of Definite Noun Phrases in Discourse  +
Technological Advance, Economic Growth, and the Distribution of Income  +
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information  +
A Theory of the Learnable  +
Classification and Regression Trees  +
Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine  +
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste  +
A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late 20th Century  +
Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of Distributed Systems  +
A Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Database Schema Integration  +
A Discipline of Distance Education  +
An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications, 2nd edition  +
Attention, Intentions, and the Structure of Discourse  +
Automatic Sense Disambiguation Uusing Machine Readable Dictionaries: How to tell a pine cone from a ice cream cone  +
Documentation - Guidelines for the Establishment and Development of Monolingual Thesauri, 2nd ed  +
Law's Empire  +
Learning Distributed Representations of Concepts  +
Learning internal representations by error propagation  +
Lexical Semantics  +
Semantics and Quantification in Natural Language Question Answering  +
Stabilizing An Unstable Economy  +
The Forms of Capital  +
Engineering Statistics  +
Inference in Text Understanding  +
Intention = Choice + Commitment  +
Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly Text Processing  +
Reactive Reasoning and Planning  +
Real-time Heuristic Search: First Results  +
Stochastic Blockmodels for Directed Graphs  +
Truth and Beauty: Aesthetics and Motivations in Science  +
Algorithms for Clustering Data  +
Automatic Generation of Hypertext Knowledge Bases  +
Dependency Syntax: Theory and Practice  +
Interpretation As Abduction  +
Learning Quickly When Irrelevant Attributes Abound: A New Linear-Threshold Algorithm  +
Locally Weighted Regression: an Approach to Regression Analysis by Local Fitting  +
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media  +
Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence  +
On Language and Connectionism: Analysis of a Parallel Distributed Processing Model of Language Acquisition  +
Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference  +
Queries and Concept Learning  +
Relational Models of the Lexicon: Representing Knowledge in Semantic Networks  +
Self-Organization and Associative Memory  +
The {C} Programming Language, Second Edition  +
The Design of Everyday Things  +
The Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck: Time for Reassessment?  +
Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-scale Production.  +
An Introduction to Concept Mapping for Planning and Evaluation  +
Bibliometric Measurement of Research Performance and Price’s Theory of Differences Among the Sciences  +
Hypertext, Full Text, and Automatic Linking  +
Infinite Words with Linear Subword Complexity  +
On the Limited Memory BFGS Method for Large Scale Optimization  +
Parsing By Chunks  +
Relative Entropy Measures of Multivariate Dependence  +
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People  +
The N-Best Algorithm: An Efficient Procedure for Finding Top N Sentence Hypotheses  +
The Weighted Majority Algorithm  +
A Bridging Model for Parallel Computation  +
An Apprentice that Discovers Hypertext Links  +
An Application of Case Relations to Document Retrieval  +
Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines  +
Basic Local Alignment Search Tool  +
Biolexicon: A Guide to the Language of Biology  +
Building Large Knowledge-based Systems; Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project, 1st edition  +
Computational Models of Scientific Discovery and Theory Formation  +
Domain Description Grammar: Application of linguistic semantics  +
Finding Groups in Data. An Introduction to Cluster Analysis  +
Gender Differences in Mathematics Performance: A Meta-analysis.  +
Indexing by Latent Semantic Analysis  +
Integrated Architecture for Learning, Planning, and Reacting based on Approximating Dynamic Programming  +
Learning Logical Definitions from Relations  +
Matrix Multiplication via Arithmetic Progressions  +
Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models for Repeated Measures Data  +
Poverty and Opportunity Structure in Rural America  +
Real-time Heuristic Search  +
Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate  +
Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery: A Taxonomy  +
TREAT: A New and Efficient Match Algorithm for AI Production Systems  +
The Fair Wage-effort Hypothesis and Unemployment  +
The Symbol Grounding Problem  +
Envisioning Information  +
Flow  +
Instance-based Learning Algorithms  +
Integration-Kid: A Learning Companion System  +
Introduction to the Theory of Neurol Computation  +
Moving From the Old to the New: Research on Reading Comprehension Instruction  +
Ratio and Product Type Exponential Estimators  +
Rule Induction Using Information Theory  +
Statistical Data Analysis in the Computer Age  +
The Frame Problem in Situation the Calculus: A Simple Solution (sometimes) and a Completeness Result for Goal Regression  +
The Generative Lexicon  +
The Generative Power of Categorical Grammars and Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammars with Lexical Rules  +
The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalis  +
Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Statistical Methods  +
A Bayesian Method for the Induction of Probabilistic Networks from Data  +
A Simple Rule-based Part of Speech Tagger  +
Acceleration of Stochastic Approximation by Averaging  +
Agent Oriented Programming: An Overview of the Framework and Summary of Recent Research  +
Association-based Natural Language Processing with Neural Networks  +
Automatic Acquisition of Hyponyms from Large Text Corpora  +
Class-based N-gram Models of Natural Language  +
Feudal Reinforcement Learning  +
Information Filtering and Information Retrieval: Two Sides of the Same Coin?  +
Knowledge of the Firm, Combinative Capabilities, and the Replication of Technology  +
Multivariate Density Estimation: theory, practice, and visualization  +
One Sense per Discourse  +
On the Approximability of the Maximum Common Subgraph Problem  +
Probability  +
Technical Note : \cal Q -Learning  +
Query by Committee  +
Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector  +
Scatter/Gather: a cluster-based approach to browsing large document collections  +
Structured Discourse for Scientific Collaboration: a Framework for Scientific Collaboration Based on Structured Discourse Analysis  +
Surface Grammatical Analysis for the Extraction of Terminological Noun Phrases  +
Techniques for Automatically Correcting Words in Text  +
The End of History and the Last Man  +  +
Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave An Information Tapestry  +
A Simple Rule-based Part of Speech Tagger  +
A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specifications  +
Agent-oriented Programming  +
Automatically Constructing a Dictionary for Information Extraction Tasks  +
C4.5: Programs for machine learning  +
Capability Maturity Model for Software (Version 1.1)  +
A Case-based Approach to Knowledge Acquisition for Domain-Specific Sentence Analysis  +
Computers As Cognitive Tools  +
Discrete Gabor Transform  +
English Verb Classes and Alternations: A Preliminary Investigation  +
FASTUS: A Finite-state Processor for Information Extraction from Real-world Text  +
From Conditional Oughts to Qualitative Decision Theory  +
Learning Transformation Rules for Semantic Query Optimization: A Data-Driven Approach  +
Lexical Semantic Techniques for Corpus Analysis  +
Minimum Wages and Employment: A Case Study of the Fast Food Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania  +
Mining Association Rules Between Sets of Items in Large Databases  +
NPtool: A detector of English noun phrase  +
One Sense per Collocation  +
Parsing English with a Link Grammar  +
Political Liberalism  +
Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods  +
Progress Without People: New Technology, Unemployment, and the Message of Resistance  +
Reactive Search and Intelligent Optimization  +
Reinventing Government  +
Signature Verification Using a "Siamese" Time Delay Neural Network  +
Structural Ambiguity and Lexical Relations  +
The 10-point Test of Financial Condition: Toward An Easy-to-use Assessment Tool for Smaller Cities  +
The Coming Technological Singularity  +
The UMLS Metathesaurus: Representing Different Views of Biomedical Concepts  +
Visualizing Data  +
Adjuncts and the Processing of Lexical Rules  +
An Algorithm for Pronominal Anaphora Resolution  +
Automatic Recognition of Verbal Polysemy  +
Beginning to read: thinking and learning about print  +
Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life  +
CLUSTAL W: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties and weight matrix choice  +
Citation-based Auditing of Academic Performance  +
Cluster Randomization Trials in Epidemiology: Theory and Application  +
Co-occurrence Vectors from Corpora Vs. Distance Vectors from Dictionaries  +
Explorations in Automatic Thesaurus Discovery  +
Fitting a Mixture Model by Expectation Maximization to Discover Motifs in Bipolymers  +
For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy Toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future  +
Implicit Learning  +
Irrelevant Features and the Subset Selection Problem  +
Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment  +
Markov Decision Processes: Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming  +
N-gram-based Text Categorization  +
Probabilistic Part-of-Speech Tagging Using Decision Trees  +
Query Expansion Using Lexical-semantic Relations  +
A Rule-based Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment Disambiguation  +
Tagging and Morphological Disambiguation of Turkish Text  +
The Intellectual Base and Research Front of JASIS 1986-1990  +
The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language  +
The Marks Are on the Knowledge Worker  +
Training Feedforward Networks with the Marquardt Algorithm  +
What is a Logical System?  +
What is a Word, What is a Sentence? Problems of Tokenization  +
Work for all Or Mass Unemployment?: Computerised Technical Change Into the Twenty-first Century  +
ALECSYS and the AutonoMouse: Learning to Control a Real Robot by Distributed Classifier Systems  +
A Linguistic Ontology  +
A Study of Cross-Validation and Bootstrap for Accuracy Estimation and Model Selection  +
Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach  +
Automatic Identification of Causal Relations in Text and Their Use for Improving Precision in Information Retrieval  +
BDI Agents: From Theory to Practice  +
CRYSTAL: Inducing a Conceptual Dictionary  +
Centering: A Framework for Modeling the Local Coherence of Discourse  +
Characterizing browsing strategies in the World-Wide Web  +
Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-computer Interaction  +
Corpus Statistics Meet the Noun Compound: Some empirical results  +
Emotional Intelligence  +
Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness  +
First (?) Occurrence of Common Terms in Mathematical Statistics  +
Knowledge Mining in Databases: An Integration of Machine Learning Methodologies with Database Technologies  +
Lexeme-Morpheme Base Morphology: A General Theory of Inflection and Word Formation  +
Markov Random Field Modeling in Computer Vision  +
Natural Language Interfaces to Databases - An Introduction  +
NewsWeeder: Learning to Filter Netnews  +
No_title  +
Noise Reduction in a Statistical Approach to Text Categorization  +
Polysemy and Related Phenomena from a Cognitive Linguistic Viewpoint  +
Providing a Unified Account of Definite Noun Phrases in Discourse  +
Randomized Algorithms  +
Real Freedom for all: What (if Anything) Can Justify Capitalism?  +
Reasoning About Knowledge  +
River Out of Eden: A Darwinian View of Life  +
A Robust Parsing Algorithm for Link Grammars  +
Statistical Decision Tree Models for Parsing  +
Support Vector Networks  +
Text Chunking Using Transformation-based Learning  +
The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era  +
The Generative Lexicon  +
The Merge/Purge Problem for Large Databases  +
The Nature of Statistical Learning Theory  +
The Problem of Computing the Most Probable Tree in Data-Oriented Parsing and Stochastic Tree Grammars  +
Transformation-based Error-Driven Learning and Natural Language Processing: A Case Study in Part of Speech Tagging  +
Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Methods  +
Using Decision Trees for Conference Resolution  +
Using Information Content to Evaluate Semantic Similarity in a Taxonomy  +
A Density-based Algorithm for Discovering Clusters in Large Spatial Databases with Noise.  +
A Maximum Entropy Approach to Natural Language Processing  +
A Maximum Entropy Model for Part-of-Speech Tagging  +
A new statistical parser based on bigram lexical dependencies  +
A Stochastic Finite-state Word-Segmentation Algorithm for Chinese  +
Ad Hoc Attribute-Value Prediction  +
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining  +
An Analysis of Compounds in HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar) for Database Queries  +
Anaphora for Everyone: Pronominal Anaphora Resolution without a Parser  +
Bagging Predictors  +
Bias Plus Variance Decomposition for Zero-One Loss Functions  +
DATR: A Language for Lexical Knowledge Representation  +
Evaluating Internal Controls: A Local Government Manager's Guide  +
Experiments with a New Boosting Algorithm  +
FASTUS: A Cascaded Finite-State Transducer for Extracting Information from Natural-Language Text  +
Fast Discovery of Association Rules  +
From Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery in Databases  +
Incorporating Latent Semantic Indexing Into a Neural Network Model for Information Retrieval  +
Increasing Returns and the New World of Business  +
Infinite Jest  +
Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources to Disambiguate Word Sense: An Exemplar-based Approach  +
Is It An Agent, Or Just a Program?: A Taxonomy for Autonomous Agents  +
Killing Time: The Autobiography of Paul Feyerabend  +
Lexical Semantics: The Problem of Polysemy  +
Message Understanding Conference - 6: A Brief History  +
Matrix Computations (3rd Ed.)  +
Motivations and Methods for Text Simplification  +
Noun-Phrase Analysis in Unrestricted Text for Information Retrieval  +
Problems of Citation Analysis  +
Programming Perl, 2nd edition  +
Regression Shrinkage and Selection via the Lasso  +
Reinforcement Learning: A Survey  +
Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics  +
The Balancing Act: Combining Symbolic and Statistical Approaches to Language  +
The Big Five versus the Big Four: The Relationship Between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and NEO-PI Five Factor Model of Personality  +
The Field Matching Problem: Algorithms and Applications  +
The Java Language Specification  +
The KDD Process for Extracting Useful Knowledge from Volumes of Data  +
The Knowing Organization: How organizations use information to construct meaning, create knowledge and make decisions  +
The Log-structured Merge-tree (LSM-tree)  +
The Unified Modeling Language for Object-Oriented Development - Documentation Set Version 0.9a Addendum  +
Understanding “Patenteseâ - A Patent Glossary  +
Unifying Instance-based and Rule-based Induction  +
Word Sense Disambiguation Using Conceptual Density  +
The X-tree: An Index Structure for High-Dimensional Data  +
A Comparative Study on Feature Selection in Text Categorization  +
A Neural Dissociation Within Language: Evidence That the Mental Dictionary is Part of Declarative Memory, and That Grammatical Rules Are Processed by the Procedural System  +
Non-Projective Dependency Parser  +
A Probabilistic Analysis of the Rocchio Algorithm with TFIDF for Text Categorization  +
A Solution to Plato's Problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis Theory of Acquisition, Induction, and Representation of Knowledge.  +
A Technical Word- and Term-Translation Aid Using Noisy Parallel Corpora across Language Groups  +
A Trainable Rule-based Algorithm for Word Segmentation  +
A Universal Citation Database As a Catalyst for Reform in Scholarly Communication  +
An Introduction to Graphical Models  +
An Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP Technology  +
Automatic Cross-language Retrieval Using Latent Semantic Indexing  +
Autonomous Discovery of Reliable Exception Rules  +
Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks  +
CogNIAC: High Precision Coreference with Limited Knowledge and Linguistic Resources  +
Comparative Citation Rankings of Authors in Monographic and Journal Literature: A Study of Sociology  +
Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support  +
Design and Analysis of Experiments  +
Disambiguation of Proper Names in Text  +
Empirical Methods in Information Extraction  +
Expansion of Multi-Word Terms for Indexing and Retrieval Using Morphology and Syntax  +
Functional Reactive Animation  +
Glossary of Terms Used in Terminology  +
Believe in Word Senses  +
Image Segmentation in Video Sequences: A Probabilistic Approach  +
Inducing Model Trees for Continuous Classes  +
Information extraction: Techniques and challenges  +
Information Seeking in Electronic Environments, Part 5  +
Intelligence, Personality, and Interests: Evidence for overlapping traits  +
Kasparov Vs. Deep Blue: Computer Chess Comes of Age  +
Knowledge Discovery from Users Web-page Navigation  +
Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression, 2nd edition  +
Long Short-term Memory  +
Machine Learning  +
Multitask Learning  +
Mutual Information, Metric Entropy and Cumulative Relative Entropy Risk  +
Nymble: a High-performance Learning Name-finder  +
Nymble: A High-Performance Learning Name-finder  +
Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks  +
On a Relation Between Graph Edit Distance and Maximum Common Subgraph  +
Optimization by Vector Space Methods  +
Parallel Algorithms for Discovery of Association Rules  +
Projections for Efficient Document Clustering  +
RST-Tool: An RST Analysis Tool  +
Semantic Similarity Based on Corpus Statistics and Lexical Taxonomy  +
Semantic Tagging Using a Probabilistic Context Free Grammar  +
Semantic Vector Space Model: Implementation and Evaluation  +
Software Quality and the Capability Maturity Model  +
Statistical Parsing with a Context-free Grammar and Word Statistics  +
Statistics Glossary v1.1  +
Syntactic Clustering of the Web  +
The Demon-haunted World: Science As a Candle in the Dark  +
The Drowning Child and the Expanding Circle  +
The GRAIL Concept Modelling Language for Medical Terminology  +