Clinical Study Patient Screening Task

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A Clinical Study Patient Screening Task is a clinical study task where ...



    • QUOTE: Pre-screening activities in a clinical trial consist of any of the steps conducted prior to a patient giving consent to participate in a trial. These often take place over a phone call or brief communication and typically include a general overview of the clinical trial for the patient as well as a pre-screening questionnaire. Pre-screening questions aim to gather information pertaining to a patient’s eligibility to determine if they’re a good fit for further screening. These are primarily based on the trial’s inclusion and exclusion criteria—if a patient fits within a study’s core inclusion criteria (such as age, diagnosis of interest, etc.) and doesn’t meet any of its permanent exclusion criteria (often including prior treatments, comorbidities, pregnancy, and known organ dysfunction), they may be contacted further. Importantly, some eligibility criteria may require more invasive testing, such as lab work or scans, so those criteria would not be explored in pre-screening. Once a patient is cleared through pre-screening and confirms interest in participation, they may proceed through screening. ...