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/*  This is to redirect any URLS with anchors to the proper place.  For instance,
    If you land on a page with #Test in the url, but on which the no element with id="Test"
    exists on the page, then it will be redirected to the "Main_Page" URL.

    That is, if you enter in the URL bar,
    you should end up on Likewise, if you enter, you should end up on

redirectAnchors = { 'Test': 'Main_Page',
                    'Fact-oriented%20Modeling': 'Fact-oriented_Modeling',
                    'Fact-oriented Modeling': 'Fact-oriented_Modeling'};
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
if( hash && $("#" + hash).length === 0 && redirectAnchors[hash] ) {
  window.location = wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/' + redirectAnchors[hash];

/* Add "Elide redirects" link to [[Special:WhatLinksHere]]:
   1) hides the redirects themselves,
   2) but still shows pages which link to those redirects (unlike "Hide redirects").

$('.mw-special-Whatlinkshere fieldset').last().append(' | ', $('<a/>')
	.attr('style', 'font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer')
	.append("Elide redirects")
	.one('click', function() {
		$(this).hide(); /* Hide "Elide redirects" link */

		var $ul = $('#mw-whatlinkshere-list');

		/* Remove redirects, flatten the list into a long one-level <ul> */
		$list = $ul.find('li');
		$list.each(function(idx, li) {
			if($(li.firstChild).hasClass('mw-redirect')) {
				/* Delete this line, but preserve <ul> inside */

		/* Replace <ul> with <ol> */
			.attr('id', 'mw-whatlinkshere-list')
		$ul = $('#mw-whatlinkshere-list');

		/* Remove:
			1) self-references (e.g. A is redirect to B, and B links to A).
			2) repeats (e.g. A is redirect to B, and C links to both A and B).
		var target = $('#mw-whatlinkshere-target').val();
		var seen = {}; /* Duplicate titles counter: { title1 => 1, title2 => 5, title3 => 2, ... } */

		$ul.find('li').each(function(idx, li) {
			title = li.firstChild.title;
			if(title == target) {
			else {
				if(seen[title]) {
					seen[title] ++;
				else {
					seen[title] = 1;

		/* Show the number of repeats for each line */
		$ul.find('li').each(function(idx, li) {
			title = li.firstChild.title;
			if(seen[title] > 1) {
					.append(" (",
						" repeats)"

		/* Sort by the number of repeats, then alphabetically */
		$list = $ul.find('li').remove().sort(function(row1, row2) {
			r1 = $(row1).find('.mw-whatlinkshere-repeats-number').html() || 1;
			r2 = $(row2).find('.mw-whatlinkshere-repeats-number').html() || 1;

			if(r1 != r2) {
				return r2 - r1;

			title1 = $(row1).find('a').attr('title');
			title2 = $(row2).find('a').attr('title');
			return title1.localeCompare(title2);

/* Add some non-standard macros to Extension:SimpleMathJax */
var nonStandardMacros = {
	F: '\\mathbb{F}',        /* a finite field */
	HH: '\\mathcal{H}',      /* a Hilbert space */
	bszero: '\\boldsymbol{0}', /* vector of zeros */
	bsone: '\\boldsymbol{1}',  /* vector of ones */
	bst: '\\boldsymbol{t}',    /* a vector 't' */
	bsv: '\\boldsymbol{v}',    /* a vector 'v' */
	bsw: '\\boldsymbol{w}',    /* a vector 'w' */
	bsx: '\\boldsymbol{x}',    /* a vector 'x' */
	bsy: '\\boldsymbol{y}',    /* a vector 'y' */
	bsz: '\\boldsymbol{z}',    /* a vector 'z' */
	bsDelta: '\\boldsymbol{\\Delta}', /* a vector '\Delta' */
	E: '\\mathrm{e}',          /* the exponential */
	rd: '\\,\\mathrm{d}',      /*  roman d for use in integrals: $\int f(x) \rd x$ */
	rdelta: '\\,\\delta',      /* delta operator for use in sums */
	rD: '\\mathrm{D}',         /* differential operator D */
	RR: '\\mathbb{R}',
	ZZ: '\\mathbb{Z}',
	NN: '\\mathbb{N}',
	QQ: '\\mathbb{Q}',
	CC: '\\mathbb{C}',
	FF: '\\mathbb{F}'
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( function ( $content ) {
	Object.assign( window.MathJax.tex.macros, nonStandardMacros );
} );

/* Google Analytics 4 */
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
if ( // Not tracked: admin/bot users, anyone on login/logout pages.
	!(',' + mw.config.get('wgUserGroups').join(',') + ',').match(/,(sysop|bureaucrat|bot),/) &&
	['Userlogin', 'Userlogout', 'Preferences', 'Resetpass'].indexOf(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName')) === -1
) {
	gtag('js', new Date());
	gtag('config', 'G-27TV985M46');
	$('head').append($('<script/>').attr('async', 1).attr('src', ''));
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