REST Framework

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A REST Framework is a Web-API framework that allows the creation of a RESTful service (which follows the REST distributed-systems pattern).




    • This site presents a REST Framework suitable for adoption by standards bodies like IMS and SIF. The existence of such a site begs a question (really two questions): What is a REST Framework and why do we need one?

      For some, a “REST Framework” is a toolkit that helps the developer build a REST API. Though we will have things to say about toolkits, that's not the sense of the term framework that we are using on this site. For us, a framework is a collection of principles that guide the specification of a REST API.

      As an architectural style, REST itself is essentially a collection of guiding principles. These principles tend to be very abstract. Consider this one from Roy Fielding's blog :

      “A REST API should spend almost all of its descriptive effort in defining the media type(s) used for representing resources and driving application state, or in defining extended relation names and/or hypertext-enabled mark-up for existing standard media types.”

      That's great, but exactly what media types should be defined, and how should they be described?