Spam Review Detection Task

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A Spam Review Detection Task is a spam detection task that detects spam reviews.



  • (Jindal & Liu, 2007) ⇒ Nitin Jindal, and Bing Liu. (2007). “Review Spam Detection.” In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW-2007.
    • QUOTE: ... There are generally two types of spam reviews. The first type consists of those that deliberately mislead readers or automated opinion mining systems by giving undeserving positive opinions to some target products in order to promote them and/or by giving unjust or malicious negative reviews to some other products in order to damage their reputation. The second type consists of nonreviews (e.g., ads) which contain no opinions on the product. ...

      ... Review spam is related to but also different from Web or email spam. The objective of Web spam is to attract people to some target pages by manipulating the content of the pages and/or their link structures so that they will be ranked high by search engines. Spam emails are mainly ads. Spam reviews are very different as they give false opinions, which are much harder to detect even manually. Thus, most existing methods for detecting web spam and email spam [3, 7, 9, 11] are unsuitable for review spam.

      In this work, we study review spam. Our investigation is based on 5.8 million reviews and 2.14 million reviewers (members who wrote at least one review) crawled from ...