Part-of-Speech Tag
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A Part-of-Speech Tag is a class label that represents a part-of-speech role.
- AKA: POS Class Label.
- Context:
- It can be associated with a Part-of-Speech Tag Set.
- It can be associated with a word form in a Tag Dictionary.
- Example(s):
- Counter-Example(s):
- See: Part-of-Speech Role.
- CC - Coordinating conjunction.
- CD - Cardinal number.
- DT - Determiner.
- EX - Existential there.
- FW - Foreign word.
- IN - Preposition or subordinating conjunction.
- JJ - Adjective.
- JJR - Adjective, comparative.
- JJS - Adjective, superlative.
- LS - List item marker.
- MD - Modal.
- NN - Noun, singular or mass.
- NNS - Noun, plural.
- NNP - Proper noun, singular.
- NNPS - Proper noun, plural.
- PDT - Predeterminer.
- POS - Possessive ending.
- PRP - Personal pronoun.
- PRP$ - Possessive pronoun (prolog version PRP-S).
- RB - Adverb.
- RBR - Adverb, comparative.
- RBS - Adverb, superlative.
- RP - Particle.
- SYM - Symbol.
- TO - to.
- UH - Interjection.
- VB - Verb, base form.
- VBD - Verb, past tense.
- VBG - Verb, gerund or present participle.
- VBN - Verb, past participle.
- VBP - Verb, non-3rd person singular present.
- VBZ - Verb, 3rd person singular present.
- WDT - Wh-determiner.
- WP - Wh-pronoun.
- WP$ - Possessive wh-pronoun (prolog version WP-S).
- WRB - Wh-adverb.