Software Development Framework

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A Software Development Framework is a 3rd-party software framework that facilitates the creation of a software development platform system.



    • QUOTE: Best Software Development Tools and Platforms a Developer Should Know: ...
      • A computer program that is used by the software developers for creating, editing, maintaining, supporting and debugging other applications, frameworks and programs – is termed as a Software Development Tool or a Software Programming Tool.
      • Development tools can be of many forms like linkers, compilers, code editors, GUI designer, assemblers, debugger, performance analysis tools etc. There are certain factors to be considered while selecting the corresponding development tool, based on the type of the project.
      • … Given below are few uses of the Software Dev Tools:
        • Software tools are used to accomplish and investigate the business processes, document the development process of the software and optimize all the processes.
        • By using these tools in the software development process, the outcome of the projects will be more productive.
        • Using the development tools, a developer can easily maintain the workflow of the project.