Applied Statistician

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An Applied Statistician is a Statistician who applies ...



    • Position: Sr. Applied Statistician
    • Web:
      • We are looking for a very strong Applied Statistician to work on Experimental Design and Analyses of different eBay applications.
      • Candidate should have deep academic/industrial expertise in theoretical and applied statistics including multivariate statistical estimation, dealing with highly skewed distributions, non-parametric statistics, statistical modeling, estimation, and experimental design. Successful candidate should have good communication skills, ability to interact with business and drive business decisions.
      • Deep background in statistics. Knowledge of related methodologies and tools.
    • Applied Statistician, The Dow Chemical Company
    • JOB OVERVIEW: Engineering & Process Sciences within Dow Research & Development (R&D) is seeking an Applied Statistician in the Process Optimization group. Statistics is widely used throughout Dow Chemical in order to make the best use of data not only to enhance the decision-making process but also to help troubleshoot and better optimize current processes. This role will require broad problem-solving capabilities through collaboration with various parts of Dow (from manufacturing, R&D to commercial). The applicant will need to be capable of managing multiple projects in parallel to successfully implement statistical tools in various project areas. The applicant must also possess the ability to explain highly technical information in a very easily understandable manner.
    • Key job responsibilities include:
      • 1. Support & promote the application of sound experimental design strategies and statistical data analysis techniques within R&D & High-throughput (HTP) applications.
      • 2. Enhance, promote & revitalize the uses of sound statistical methods within other non-R&D areas of Dow.
      • 3. Identify value-creation opportunities for the application of statistics.


  • US, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2008). Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition
    • Statistics is the scientific application of mathematical principles to the collection, analysis, and presentation of numerical data. Statisticians apply their mathematical and statistical knowledge to the design of surveys and experiments; the collection, processing, and analysis of data; and the interpretation of the experiment and survey results. Opinion polls, statements of accuracy on scales and other measuring devises, and information about average earnings in an occupation are all usually the work of statisticians.
    • Statisticians may apply their knowledge of statistical methods to a variety of subject areas, such as biology, economics, engineering, medicine, public health, psychology, marketing, education, and sports. Many economic, social, political, and military decisions cannot be made without statistical techniques, such as the design of experiments to gain Federal approval of a newly manufactured drug. Statistics might be needed to show whether the seemingly good results of a drug were likely because of the drug rather than just the effect of random variation in patient outcomes.
    • One technique that is especially useful to statisticians is sampling — obtaining information about a population of people or group of things by surveying a small portion of the total. For example, to determine the size of the audience for particular programs, television-rating services survey only a few thousand families, rather than all viewers. Statisticians decide where and how to gather the data, determine the type and size of the sample group, and develop the survey questionnaire or reporting form. They also prepare instructions for workers who will collect and tabulate the data. Finally, statisticians analyze, interpret, and summarize the data using computer software.
    • In business and industry, statisticians play an important role in quality control and in product development and improvement. In an automobile company, for example, statisticians might design experiments to determine the failure time of engines exposed to extreme weather conditions by running individual engines until failure and breakdown. Working for a pharmaceutical company, statisticians might develop and evaluate the results of clinical trials to determine the safety and effectiveness of new medications. At a computer software firm, statisticians might help construct new statistical software packages to analyze data more accurately and efficiently. In addition to product development and testing, some statisticians also are involved in deciding what products to manufacture, how much to charge for them, and to whom the products should be marketed. Statisticians also may manage assets and liabilities, determining the risks and returns of certain investments.
    • Statisticians also are employed by nearly every government agency. Some government statisticians develop surveys that measure population growth, consumer prices, or unemployment. Other statisticians work for scientific, environmental, and agricultural agencies and may help figure out the average level of pesticides in drinking water, the number of endangered species living in a particular area, or the number of people afflicted with a particular disease. Statisticians also are employed in national defense agencies, determining the accuracy of new weapons and the likely effectiveness of defense strategies.
    • Because statistical specialists are employed in so many work areas, specialists who use statistics often have different professional designations. For example, a person using statistical methods to analyze economic data may have the title econometrician, while statisticians in public health and medicine may hold titles such as biostatistician or biometrician.