Existentialist Belief System

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An Existentialist Belief System is a belief set associated with the philosophical tradition of Existentialism.

  • Context:
    • It can be held by individuals who identify with Existentialist philosophy.
    • It centers on beliefs such as individual freedom and subjectivity, the inherent meaninglessness of life, the importance of personal authenticity, and the existential dread or anxiety arising from the confrontation with the absurdity of existence.
    • It often influences the individual's perception and interpretation of their life experiences.
    • It can be part of a larger Philosophical Belief System.
  • Example(s):
    • Belief in the fundamental freedom and responsibility of the individual.
    • The focus on personal authenticity and the construction of meaning in a seemingly meaningless universe.
    • Belief in the existential angst arising from an individual's freedom of choice and the responsibility that comes with it.
    • Acceptance of the absurdity of life, and the belief that it is up to individuals to create their own purpose.
    • Belief in existential isolation, or the idea that each person is alone in the world and is solely responsible for his or her own life.
    • Belief in the "existence precedes essence" principle, meaning that individuals define their own essence through their actions and experiences.
    • Rejection of societal norms and conventions, with the emphasis on personal freedom and authenticity.
  • Counter-Example(s):
  • See: Existentialism, Belief Set, Philosophical Belief System.