Graph Theory

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A Graph Theory is a form theory of a graphs.



  • (Wikipedia, 2014) ⇒ Retrieved:2014-7-6.
    • In mathematics and computer science, graph theory is the study of graphs, which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects. A "graph" in this context is made up of “vertices" or "nodes" and lines called edges that connect them. A graph may be undirected, meaning that there is no distinction between the two vertices associated with each edge, or its edges may be directed from one vertex to another; see graph (mathematics) for more detailed definitions and for other variations in the types of graph that are commonly considered. Graphs are one of the prime objects of study in discrete mathematics.

      Refer to the glossary of graph theory for basic definitions in graph theory.


    • Aims and Scope: The Journal of Graph Theory is devoted to a variety of topics in graph theory, such as structural results about graphs, graph algorithms with theoretical emphasis, and discrete optimization on graphs. The scope of the journal also includes related areas in combinatorics and the interaction of graph theory with other mathematical sciences.
    • Readership: Mathematicians · computer scientists · operations researchers · communications scientists
    • Keywords: graph theory, graph algorithms, combinatorics, discrete mathematics, discrete optimization
    • The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics is a fully-refereed electronic journal that welcomes papers in all branches of discrete mathematics, including combinatorics, graph theory, discrete algorithms, etc.