Joel Nothman

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Joel Nothman is a person.




  • (Nothman, 2009) ⇒ Joel Nothman, Tara Murphy, and James R. Curran. (2009). “Analysing Wikipedia and Gold-Standard Corpora for NER Training.” In: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL 2009)
    • ABSTRACT: Named entity recognition (ner) for English typically involves one of three gold standards: muc, conll, or bbn, all created by costly manual annotation. Recent work has used Wikipedia to automatically create a massive corpus of named entity annotated text.

       We present the first comprehensive cross-corpus evaluation of ner. We identify the causes of poor cross-corpus performance and demonstrate ways of making them more compatible. Using our process, we develop a Wikipedia corpus which outperforms gold standard corpora on cross-corpus evaluation by up to 11%.



  • (Hughes et al., 2005) ⇒ Baden Hughes, James Haggerty, Joel Nothman, Saritha Manickam, and James R. Curran. (2005). “A Distributed Architecture for Interactive Parse Annotation.” In: Proceedings of the Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2005 (ALTW 2005)