2023 ZeroShotConversationalSummariza

(Redirected from Manuvinakurike et al., 2023)
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Subject Headings: Zero-Shot Conversational Summarization, Conversational Summarization Evaluation.


  • It highlights that Large Language Models (LLMs) with around 10 billion parameters show varying performance in conversational summarization based on the prompts used, which affects their summarization abilities and ROUGE scores.
   It includes human evaluations to supplement the performance assessment of these models and discusses their limitations in the context of conversational summarization.
   It emphasizes the multitasking abilities of LLMs, particularly in summarization, and points out the challenges in prompt engineering due to the models' brittleness.
   It explores the feasibility of fine-tuning LLMs on specialized datasets and examines the impacts on their summarization capabilities.
   It discusses related work in the field, particularly in benchmarking LLMs for news article summarization, and highlights resources like Promptsource for prompt engineering.
   It details the use of the MeetingBank dataset for instruction tuning and evaluates models on the Samsum and Dialogsum datasets.
   It addresses the choice of parameter count for LLMs, considering hardware limitations and carbon emissions, and compares models like Llama, Falcon, Alpaca, Flan-T5, and GPT-3.5.
   It assesses the performance of models using Rouge scores, BertScores, and human evaluations, focusing on the impact of instruction tuning and further task-specific tuning.
   It discusses issues such as hallucinations and role attributions in summaries and recognizes the need for further exploration in these areas.
   It concludes that instruction tuning improves LLMs' performance in conversational summarization and that further task-specific tuning can yield even better results, despite the identified limitations.

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Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit powerful summarization abilities. However, their capabilities on conversational summarization remains under explored. In this work we evaluate LLMs (approx. 10 billion parameters) on conversational summarization and showcase their performance on various prompts. We show that the summaries generated by models depend on the instructions and the performance of LLMs vary with different instructions sometimes resulting steep drop in ROUGE scores if prompts are not selected carefully. We also evaluate the models with human evaluations and discuss the limitations of the models on conversational summarization.


Large Language Models (LLMs) have been shown to exhibit impressive multitasking abilities including summarization . These LLMs show great promise for automatic summarization and achieve impressive zero-shot performance . LLMs are ‘prompted’ to solve a task such as summarization by issuing an instruction (e.g., Generate a summary for this dialogue, Summarize: etc.) and an input (conversation, news article2, queries etc.). These instructions are rather simple natural language phrases appended as a prefix or postfix to the input to assist the LLMs in carrying out the task. Generating such instructions and prompting can be challenging for novices . The brittleness of the LLMs in processing the prompts consistently is one such reason that causes a challenge . A minor variation in the prompt syntax can result in vastly different results. Prompt engineering has thus evolved to design approaches for the LLMs to produce the desired results consistently. Several resources exist for prompt engineering. Promptsource is one such popular repository consisting of 2000+ prompts for natural language prompts for various natural language tasks including summarization. . In spite of these advances, the brittleness exist and more so in smaller open-sourced LLMs. One possible solution to tackle the brittleness could be to further finetune the models using the instructions for a task coupled with data points from a dataset at the developer’s disposal. This however could result in loss of generalization abilities of the LLMs even within a task (for instance, finetuning on conversational summarization from a technical design meeting dataset could result in drop in summarization capabilities on chit-chat data). In this work, we finetune the LLMs on a technical council meetings dataset and evaluate the performance on a chit-chat dataset and discuss the results.

This paper arises from a need for evaluating open-sourced LLMs (within [math]\displaystyle{ \sim }[/math] 11 billion parameters) for conversation summarization and their robustness to different prompts (The rationale for selecting models within [math]\displaystyle{ \sim }[/math]11b parameters is discussed in detail in Sec 4.1). These specific sized LLMs provide the capability run at the edge on PCs or mobile systems preserving the privacy of the user data while benefiting the user with productivity gains. These models need to be benchmarked against the existing conversational summarization datasets by measuring their abilities on different prompts. We motivate this work with the following research questions:
1) How important is prompt selection for conversational summarization task? How do LLMs less than [math]\displaystyle{ \sim }[/math]11 billion parameters fare on different prompts varying slightly in syntactic structure? How do these models fare in human evaluation?
2) Can finetuning the LLMs for conversational summarization a task but on a different domain improve zero shot summarization capabilities?
We also discuss some limitations of the models specially focusing on hallucinations and role attributions in the summaries.

Related work

Recent work on benchmarking the LLM abilities for news articles summarization is the most related our work. The authors highlight there exists a fundamental limitation with the existing news articles summarization datasets and found that the target/gold-truth summaries were sub par for comparative evaluations. To overcome the problem the authors hired freelance writers to generate target summariesand pitch the summaries generated by the models are pitched against those written by expert freelancers. The authors found that the summaries generated by the models were on-par with the summaries generated by the experts which in turn is better than the target summaries. It is important to note that the LLMs used in this work range in parameter count from 350M to 175 billion . In this work, we’re focused on benchmarking the LLMs on the task of conversational summarization.

It has been well established that training the models on instructions improves the generalization abilities in the LLMs (see for e.g., . Several resources such as Promptsource, Natural Instructions , Flan and, Super Natural Instructions have been developed in recent times to provide researchers and engineers alike with resources to study, find and leverage instructions for a task of interest. In this work, we choose the prompts from Promptsource [1].


Several promising datasets exist for the task of conversational summarization . In this work we utilize the MeetingBank dataset for instruction tuning purposes. The MeetingBank dataset is relatively new and serves as a great resource for evaluating the finetuning impacts on the models on a specialized domain. The dataset contains transcriptions from various United States cities or municipality meetings. We then evaluate the models in a zero-shot manner on Samsum corpus and Dialogsum datasets . We utilize the validation splits from Huggingface datasets repository for our study purposes.

For the purpose of finetuning the model we split the Meetingbank dataset into 95% training and 5% validation split and utilize the training set for instruction tuning. For the purposes of instruction tuning we utilize Promptsource which is a crowdsourced valuable resource consisting of thousands of prompts contributed for numerous NLP tasks and datasets. We utilize the prompts for conversational summarization section (Table 2). We further instruct-tune the models using a pipeline similar to T0 . For training & inferencing each transcription input is converted to a prompt for LMMs by ‘apply’ing the template with the conversations using Langchain .


Conversational summarization has increasingly gained interest in a post-covid world with the nature of workplace becoming more hybrid . This has amplified the need for a conversational/meeting summarization systems to run on machines with limited compute capabilities with democratization aspirations.

Choice for parameter counts

Our choice of models with [math]\displaystyle{ \sim }[/math]11 billion parameters is mainly motivated by the constraint imposed by the cost and, hardware limitations and a motivation to study less-carbon emitting approach of model development. These model sizes are also conducive to running on PCs and mobile systems, however there is an added impact of bigger models and more data needed for inferencing which is observed in the results noted below in the Hardware Inference section using an LLM as an example workload. Hardware Training: Fine-tuning a 7 billion parameter model takes approximately 66 GB of memory (RAM) at 32 bit precision and a batch size of 1 (sequence length of 2048) (see memory computation in ) which is slightly less than a high end GPU available in the market. While several optimization approaches exist which significantly reduce the compute requirements (e.g., Quantization ), these are accompanied by often deteriorated performance or comparable in the best case. Running an inference locally on client devices (without use of cloud APIs/services) even with quantization of models is memory intensive [2]. While bigger is often better in LLMs, it is important to study the trade-offs in models whose parameter counts are still tractable and can be deployed for inferencing (and even train) using reasonable compute budgets. Hardware Inference: Running inference instances is also an important consideration. For instance, we consider a GPT variant[3] on a state-of-the-art PC (Intel Raptor Lake 28W Core i7 system (1380P) configured with 32GB of memory and 512 GB of storage). For running an inferencing pipeline that includes document ingestion, encoding, followed by autoregressive decoding with a  7B parameter model ( ) generated a bandwidth of  10 GB/s. First inference with model loading was significantly slower [math]\displaystyle{ \sim }[/math]0.5 FPS. About 1/3rd of memory was consumed by text encoding and LLM operation and reduced the headroom for other applications. Optimizations to use compressed models with reducing memory interactions is the key to use these models effectively on PCs and mobile systems. Models with any greater parameter count would pose additional inferencing challenges. Carbon emissions: Training a 70B emits 833% more carbon and 13B parameter model emits 100% more carbon than the 7B parameter model. While, the developing organization offset the carbon, it might not be feasible for all. With these experiments & observations we arrived at our model evaluations to those mentioned below. In the future we plan to extend the evaluations to models of greater parameter count.

Models selected

Llama is a foundational language model developed with publicly available datasets by Gen AI, Meta. Llama 2 is a more recently released open source class of foundational large language models pretrained & finetuned with more data and higher context lengths than it’s predecessor Llama 1. Llama 2 models achieve impressive performance on numerous public benchmarks. We choose Llama 2 as one of the models for our benchmarking purposes. The family also includes Llama-2-chat model which is developed using supervised finetuning and then iteratively refined using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) . Falcon is a family of generative LLM by Technology Innovation Institute which achieves impressive performances on many of the LLM benchmarks. The models are trained predominantly on RefinedWeb along with other data from the web. The instruct version of the models are further finetuned on instructions and conversational data. Alpaca is a instruction-tuned model based on Llama which is instruction tuned using the techniques from self-instruct paradigm. The alpaca model was found to exhibit behavior similar to text-davinci-003 model . Flan-T5 are a class of language models where encoder-decoder transformer-based model are finetuned on 1836 tasks using instruction-finetuning and chain-of-thought finetuning paradigms. The models exhibit state-of-the-art abilities in various benchmark tasks. We also benchmark the results using GPT3.5 turbo which is a an improved GPT-3 model with instruction following ability on Natural language and code. While, the parameter count of the model is in hundreds of billion, the purpose of including the model is for comparison.


Our goal is compare the model performance on conversational summarization (Samsum & Dialogsum) and then evaluate the model performance on different prompts. There are 6 prompts in Promptsource for conversational summarization (Table  2) that we then apply using Langchain on the each conversation as input to the models. We then extract the output from these models as summaries. We additionally finetune existing instruction-tuned models- (Flan & Lama2-7b-chat) using task specific instructions and the data from Meetingbank dataset (Models marked as **). While instruction tuning has been shown to improve the overall performance in the model generalization abilities , we intend to explore if the task performance (conversational summarization) utilizing the data from a related but different dataset can further provide a boost.

We report Rouge scores (R1, R2, RL) and BertScore on the summaries generated by the models comparing against the available ground truth summaries. We additionally report Length Ratio (LR), Novel uni/bi (N1, N2) gram metrics which can be evaluated automatically on the Dialogsum and the Samsum datasets which the models haven’t seen during our training process [4]. We compute Length Ratio = length (tokens in summaries generated)/length (tokens in the conversations), N-gram novelty = length (N-gram tokens in summaries generated [math]\displaystyle{ \cap }[/math] tokens in conversation)/ length(tokens in the conversations).

Target summaries don’t always serve as a reliable ground truth for evaluation . Summarization task is subjective and also information can be presented in several different forms (sentences & format). However, the summaries in the dataset themselves can be relied upon as one of the many possible summaries for a given conversation. We thus experiment with humans to compare the model generated summary with the target and report the findings here. We developed a web-interface (Figure 1) for collecting human preferences between target and model generated summary. The conversation is displayed to the users along with two summaries, one model generated and the other reference/target summaries. The summary orders are jumbled and the raters are not aware of the source of summaries. The raters were volunteers and employees of anonymous and had education levels of graduate degree and were aware of the task. Each user was requested to rate as many summaries as they could. We obtain comparative ratings for Overall, Novelty, Informativeness and Conciseness of the summaries. To further understand if the summaries contains hallucinations, correct role attribution and if the summaries had misrepresented gender attributes we developed a similar interface, but this time requesting the human evaluators to rate only the generated summaries if they consist hallucinations, if the roles are properly attributed in the summaries and if the genders are properly attributed in the summary (if applicable).



Do Instruction tuned models perform generate better summaries? We can observe from Table [tab:results that when comparing the instruction tuned models (Alpaca-7b vs Llama-7b, Falcon-7b-instruct vs Falcon-7b) with just pre-trained model, the instruction tuned models generate summaries with better Rouge-scores, BertScores, more concise and generate fewer novel 1-gram and 2-gram (due to fewer hallucinations). We also find that the summaries generated by the instruction tuned models are significantly better w.r.t Rouge scores and BERT scores (p < 0.001, Wilcoxon rank-sum test) than the summaries generated by the non-instruction tuned models. To arrive at this conclusion we compared sample-wise Rouge & BERT scores in separate experiments between the non-instruction tuned models and their instruction tuned counterparts. This implies that instruction tuning helps improve the conversational summarization performance which is consistent with the literature (on a different task) . Humans also rated the summaries from instruction tuned model higher than pre-trained models (Figure 1 ).

Does further task-specific instruction tuning help models perform better? We find that further


tuning the models for a task (summarization) even on a different dataset (Meetingbank) slightly improves the performance of the models. In Table [tab:results we identify task-specific instruction tuned model with ‘**’ vs available off-the-shelf instruction tuned checkpoints ‘*’ (Flan-T5-{MODEL_SIZE}* vs Flan-T5-{MODEL_SIZE}** , Llama-7b-chat* vs Llama-7b-chat**). We do not perform any experiments to verify if the model’s performance on a more general abilities since our goal is to leverage LLMs for summarization task alone. This slight change in the summary quality was also resulted in increase in preferences over target in human-evaluation overall and even on their factual and conciseness (Flan-T5-base* vs. Flan-t5-base**, Flan-T5-small* vs. Flan-T5-small** in Figure 2 ). This is important, since we’re not pitching the models one against the other, but rather against the target summaries.

Do summary qualities differ across instructions and models? We also find that the model’s summarizing abilities are highly dependent on the instruction used and the model itself. For instance, ‘Given the above dialogue write a summary’ as an instruction gives 8% better Rouge-L scores than ‘Generate a summary for this dialogue’ in Falcon-7b instruct tuned model compared to ‘Llama-7b’ which gives the best Rouge scores from the prompt ‘Given the above dialogue write a summary’. We also tested this variable performance using ANOVA test (single factor, p < 0.0001 (F=34.56, df=6, MS=0.029) and find that the difference in Rouge scores are significantly different across prompts. Figure 3 shows R-L box-plots for each prompt on SAMSUM corpus. We further find that the variability in instruction tuned models is slightly lower compared to non-instruction tuned models. This result highlights the need for future work to reduce the gap between the model performance across prompts which could make it easier for non-experts to query the LLMs. We also find that this variability reduces with increase in model parameters.


If we were to use the best prompt, how do LLMs compare with target summaries? We selected the prompt yielding the highest Rouge-L scores (oracle selection) and then compare the human ratings for the best performing prompt for each of the model. Upon selecting the best prompt we find that all the LLM generated summaries are rated more novel than the target summaries (Figure 1 under ‘With best instruction’). All the instruction tuned models (Alpaca, Llama-chat, Falcon-instruct) were rated more informative and were preferred overall compared to the target summaries. However, the target summaries are rated most factually consistent and concise compared to the generated summaries. Lower rating for the conciseness were more obvious when we compare the LR of the generated summaries vs the target summaries (Dailogsum target summaries LR = 14.85%, Samsum LR = 17.94%) compared to the summaries length of the model generated summaries. Lower factual ratings can be explained by presence of hallucinations and other errors. Table 1 shows best-possible Rouge and BERT scores on the oracle selected best prompts used once per dataset.


Model Samsum Dialogsum
2-15 R-1 R-2 R-L B-Score LR N1 N2 R-1 R-2 R-L B-Score LR N1 N2
Llama-7b 0.14 0.02 0.10 0.701 56.58 47.06 85.70 0.16 0.02 0.11 0.736 40.24 31.22 61.87
Falcon-7b 0.14 0.02 0.10 0.703 58.80 48.74 89.68 0.16 0.02 0.11 0.737 36.32 26.61 54.37
Alpaca* 0.18 0.04 0.13 0.721 35.19 27.82 52.80 0.17 0.03 0.13 0.740 21.78 15.06 32.29
Falcon-7b-inst* 0.21 0.05 0.15 0.739 33.96 27.82 52.63 0.22 0.05 0.15 0.761 24.99 18.10 38.80
Flan-T5-small* 0.42 0.19 0.33 0.844 24.38 8.71 27.25 0.22 0.07 0.17 0.742 17.11 5.54 15.62
Flan-T5-small** 0.43 0.20 0.33 0.845 24.45 8.70 27.33 0.23 0.07 0.18 0.741 17.16 5.63 15.86
Flan-T5-base* 0.46 0.23 0.36 0.856 24.29 9.14 28.01 0.31 0.11 0.24 0.785 18.82 4.80 15.93
Flan-T5-base** 0.47 0.23 0.37 0.857 24.23 9.09 27.92 0.32 0.12 0.25 0.787 18.58 4.82 15.97
Flan-T5-large* 0.44 0.19 0.35 0.849 18.38 10.24 25.25 0.29 0.09 0.23 0.793 13.23 7.59 18.75
Flan-T5-large** 0.46 0.20 0.36 0.851 18.38 10.24 24.22 0.30 0.10 0.24 0.793 13.24 7.52 18.72
Flan-T5-xl* 0.48 0.26 0.39 0.862 24.37 9.87 28.21 0.37 0.16 0.29 0.824 18.10 5.71 18.13
Flan-T5-xl** 0.49 0.26 0.40 0.863 24.41 9.92 28.27 0.38 0.17 0.31 0.827 18.17 5.71 18.13
Llama-7b-chat* 0.18 0.04 0.13 0.721 32.41 25.65 48.58 0.21 0.05 0.15 0.765 31.46 22.54 47.39
Llama-7b-chat**[math]\displaystyle{ ^\pm }[/math] 0.18 0.05 0.14 0.721 31.66 25.03 47.45 0.21 0.06 0.15 0.760 30.54 22.17 46.17
GPT-3.5 turbo 0.14 0.06 0.10 0.746 189.27 80.86 195.89 0.14 0.05 0.11 0.741 140.31 62.33 150.97

Discussions & Future work

Do low human ratings for factual ratings correlated to hallucinations and role attributions? Hallucinations a challenge to be addressed in LLMs. We collected human ratings to further analyse the cause for lower rating for the factual ratings in LLMs. We requested human raters to mark (Yes/Now) if the summary contained irrelevant phrases not related to the input. We sampled 286 summaries across models randomly from the dataset for this small scale study. We also requested human raters to answer yes/no question if the the summaries had incorrect role attributions and if there was assign/misrepresented gender pronouns. We find that the presence of hallucinations is strongly negatively correlated to the ratings of factual and overall ratings (PCC, [math]\displaystyle{ \rho }[/math]= -0.77, [math]\displaystyle{ \rho }[/math]= -0.71 resp.). The ratings are also weakly/moderately negatively correlated to incorrect speaker attributions ([math]\displaystyle{ \rho }[/math]= -0.31). The raters were more forgiving to incorrect gender attributions (he instead of she) towards overall summary rating ([math]\displaystyle{ \rho }[/math]= -0.18). This means that hallucinations and incorrect role attributions could’ve played a more important role in lower factual and overall ratings. Since, our sample size was low we cannot conclude with conviction. This remains an interesting area of exploration.

Are the models with higher overlap with target summaries or input conversations rated more informative? Rouge (p) between the input and summary generated measures what fraction of the conversation was covered in the summary. We measured the Pearson’s correlation co-efficient (PCC) between these Rouge (p) scores (Table [tab:copying_p) and the human preference ratings to measure if any correlation exists. We find moderate correlation (PCC, [math]\displaystyle{ \rho }[/math] = 0.46) for the informativeness between the models Rouge scores and the preference ratings. This implies that the raters tended to mark models with higher input coverage as more informative. Additionally, we also found that high rouge (p) scores correlated moderately with Overall and Factual ratings. This was also true for informativeness. This is however not all that surprising but a reinforcing indicator that summaries need to be concise while increasing the overall coverage.

Higher novelty ratings (‘Select the summary which you think is a more novel way to present the conversation’) was an interesting observation. The LLMs consistently performed better on novelty preferences compared to the target. We believe that novel ways of presenting the summaries (e.g., as question answering exchanges, shorter rephrased conversation versions, alternative narrations) along with novel phraseology could be contributing towards higher novelty ratings. We additionally note that the human raters being experts (have good knowledge of technology and recent advancements) rather than novices could’ve contributed to this. We intend to explore this in our future work.

Conversational summarization is an important application area of the LLMs and remains an interesting area of research. In this work we evaluated various LLMs on conversational summarization datasets and showed that the instruction tuning yields better results. Given the parameter sizes of the LLM models evaluated, this outcome has interesting applications to deployment of <11B parameter LLMs on PC and mobile systems. We also showed that further task-specific finetuning could yield more promising results. We further analysed the summaries via human and automatic evaluations and discussed the limitations including hallucinations and incorrect role attributions.


More Related works

Evaluating LLMs remain a challenge. Promising benchmarks such as HELM have been developed to evaluate the LLM abilities. While news summarization features in the benchmark, conversational summarization is missed out. In this we also argue for inclusion of conversational summarization in the benchmark. Automatic evaluation of summarization remains a challenge . ROUGE and BERTScore still remain the most commonly reported reports for benchmarking purposes. Other metrics compute the quality of the summaries based on Factual consistency . Given, the subjective nature of the summary and the difficulty of developing a single or even multiple target summaries, reference free metrics have been developed in recent times to compute the quality of the summaries . Human evaluations still remain central to computing the quality of the summaries . Other metrics rely on question-answering approaches to measure the quality of the summaries .

Other LLMs

MPT-7b MPT is a family of generative LLM from MosaicML NLP team trained on 1T tokens of text and code. The performance of the model is comparable to Llama . The instruct version of the model is further trained on for instruction following from a dataset derived from and .
StableLM-7b is a decoder only LLM based on GPT-NeoX from Stability AI. The model is trained partly on RefinedWeb extract , RedPajama data and, The Pile dataset .
Dolly Dolly is a class of LLMs based on Pythia trained on Databricks 15k dolly dataset and The Pile dataset. From the authors claim Dolly is not a state-of-the-art model, however has good instruction following capabilities.
T0pp T0 is a class of encoder-decoder models based on T5 trained in a multi-task prompted setting consisting of various NLP tasks with the goals of improving zero-shot generalizational abilities . T0pp exhibits strong generalizational abilities on various tasks including summarization.


Model Samsum Dialogsum
2-15 R-1 R-2 R-L B-Score LR N1 N2 R-1 R-2 R-L B-Score LR N1 N2
Llama-7b 0.14 0.02 0.10 0.701 56.58 47.06 85.70 0.16 0.02 0.11 0.736 40.24 31.22 61.87
Falcon-7b 0.14 0.02 0.10 0.703 58.80 48.74 89.68 0.16 0.02 0.11 0.737 36.32 26.61 54.37
MPT-7b 0.14 0.02 0.10 0.693 58.30 45.26 83.00 0.16 0.02 0.11 0.734 44.80 34.93 68.13
Stablelm-7b 0.14 0.01 0.10 0.691 56.45 45.86 83.52 0.14 0.02 0.10 0.732 42.77 33.50 66.29
MPT-7b-inst* 0.15 0.03 0.11 0.703 60.57 49.44 88.52 0.16 0.02 0.11 0.729 44.57 40.49 74.74
MPT-7b-chat* 0.17 0.04 0.12 0.713 63.64 49.92 92.34 0.19 0.04 0.13 0.756 45.32 34.38 70.01
Alpaca* 0.18 0.04 0.13 0.721 35.19 27.82 52.80 0.17 0.03 0.13 0.740 21.78 15.06 32.29
Falcon-7b-inst* 0.21 0.05 0.15 0.739 33.96 27.82 52.63 0.22 0.05 0.15 0.761 24.99 18.10 38.80
Flan-T5-xxl* 0.45 0.20 0.36 0.851 17.77 9.69 24.08 0.32 0.10 0.25 0.794 12.82 6.92 18.10
Dolly* 0.17 0.03 0.12 0.723 57.42 42.03 80.99 0.18 0.03 0.13 0.755 44.52 30.14 62.91
Dolly** 0.12 0.01 0.09 0.727 53.59 43.41 79.20 0.14 0.02 0.10 0.740 51.06 35.95 70.97
Flan-T5-small* 0.42 0.19 0.33 0.844 24.38 8.71 27.25 0.22 0.07 0.17 0.742 17.11 5.54 15.62
Flan-T5-small** 0.43 0.20 0.33 0.845 24.45 8.70 27.33 0.23 0.07 0.18 0.741 17.16 5.63 15.86
Flan-T5-base* 0.46 0.23 0.36 0.856 24.29 9.14 28.01 0.31 0.11 0.24 0.785 18.82 4.80 15.93
Flan-T5-base** 0.47 0.23 0.37 0.857 24.23 9.09 27.92 0.32 0.12 0.25 0.787 18.58 4.82 15.97
Flan-T5-large* 0.44 0.19 0.35 0.849 18.38 10.24 25.25 0.29 0.09 0.23 0.793 13.23 7.59 18.75
Flan-T5-large** 0.46 0.20 0.36 0.851 18.38 10.24 24.22 0.30 0.10 0.24 0.793 13.24 7.52 18.72
Flan-T5-xl* 0.48 0.26 0.39 0.862 24.37 9.87 28.21 0.37 0.16 0.29 0.824 18.10 5.71 18.13
Flan-T5-xl** 0.49 0.26 0.40 0.863 24.41 9.92 28.27 0.38 0.17 0.31 0.827 18.17 5.71 18.13
Llama-7b-chat* 0.18 0.04 0.13 0.721 32.41 25.65 48.58 0.21 0.05 0.15 0.765 31.46 22.54 47.39
Llama-7b-chat**[math]\displaystyle{ ^\pm }[/math] 0.18 0.05 0.14 0.721 31.66 25.03 47.45 0.21 0.06 0.15 0.760 30.54 22.17 46.17
T0pp-11b** 0.46 0.20 0.36 0.853 18.91 10.15 25.69 0.33 0.11 0.26 0.804 15.19 7.58 20.45
GPT-3.5 turbo 0.14 0.06 0.10 0.746 189.27 80.86 195.89 0.14 0.05 0.11 0.741 140.31 62.33 150.97


Average best performing prompt result.
Model Samsum Samsum - FT dialogsum dialogsum -FT
2-13 R1 RL B-Score R1 RL B-Score R1 RL B-Score R1 RL B-Score
Flan-T5-small 0.42 0.33 0.846 0.43 0.34 0.862 0.24 0.20 0.751 0.24 0.20 0.753
Flan-T5-base 0.46 0.37 0.857 0.47 0.38 0.857 0.33 0.26 0.793 0.34 0.26 0.794
Flan-T5-large 0.45 0.36 0.852 0.49 0.40 0.886 0.31 0.25 0.802 0.30 0.25 0.801
Flan-T5-xl 0.49 0.39 0.863 0.49 0.40 0.863 0.39 0.31 0.824 0.39 0.32 0.836
Llama-7b-chat* 0.32 0.24 0.808 0.33 0.24 0.809 0.26 0.21 0.789 0.29 0.21 0.792
GPT-3.5 0.21 0.14 0.748 - - - 0.24 0.20 0.775 - - -

Dataset resources

1. Dialogsum: https://huggingface.co/datasets/knkarthick/dialogsum

2. Samsum: https://huggingface.co/datasets/samsum

3. Promptsource: https://github.com/bigscience-workshop/promptsource/tree/main/promptsource/templates/samsum

Model hyper-parameters

We num train epochs=25, train batch size=2, warmup steps=500, weight decay=0.01, learning rate=5e-10, AdamW optimizer for Flan-T5 models and Dolly models. We used FP32 for Flan-T5 and Fp16 precision for Dolly model weights.

For Lama-7b-chat finetuning we used LORA adapters for finetuning.

lora_r = 8
lora_alpha = 16
lora_dropout = 0.05
lora_target_modules= [
] with ,
When inferencing with GPT3.5 we used temperature=0.2, max tokens=500, top p=1, frequency penalty=0, presence penalty=0.

Prompts from the Promptsource dataset and if they’re used for generating the summary in this work.
1 Generate a summary for this dialogue Used
2 Summarize: Used
3 To sum up this dialog Used
4 Given the above dialogue write a summary Used
5 Summarize this dialogue: Used
6 Sum up the following dialogue Used
7 Write a dialogue that match this summary Not Used


Model Samsum Dialogsum
2-11 R1(p/r) R2(p/r) RL(p/r) N1 N2 R1(p/r) R2(p/r) RL(p/r) N1 N2
Flan-T5-small* 0.72/0.30 0.37/0.15 0.58/0.24 9.15 28.41 0.80/0.20 0.50/0.12 0.63/0.16 5.75 16.10
Flan-T5-base* 0.74/0.31 0.37/0.15 0.59/0.25 9.60 29.21 0.84/0.23 0.55/0.15 0.70/0.19 4.97 16.41
Flan-T5-large* 0.68/0.20 0.24/0.07 0.51/0.15 10.75 26.34 0.70/0.13 0.28/0.05 0.53/0.10 7.86 19.32
Llama-7b 0.39/0.21 0.10/0.05 0.28/0.14 49.66 89.49 0.43/0.21 0.11/0.05 0.29/0.13 23.49 48.84
Falcon-7b 0.34/0.27 0.07/0.17 0.20/0.17 51.32 93.59 0.46/0.21 0.11/0.05 0.29/0.12 27.64 56.09
MPT-7b 0.34/0.07 0.10/0.07 0.22/0.17 47.53 86.49 0.42/0.24 0.11/0.07 0.25/0.14 36.22 70.24
Stablelm-7b 0.31/0.24 0.06/0.05 0.19/0.15 48.30 87.20 0.42/0.22 0.11/0.06 0.25/0.13 34.87 68.43
MPT-7b-inst* 0.31/0.26 0.08/0.07 0.19/0.07 51.96 92.31 0.54/0.18 0.14/0.05 0.37/0.12 41.91 76.98
Dolly* 0.38/0.30 0.10/0.08 0.24/0.19 44.26 84.53 0.49/0.27 0.16/0.09 0.29/0.16 31.35 64.89
Alpaca* 0.39/0.21 0.10/0.05 0.28/0.14 29.33 55.03 0.47/0.20 0.14/0.06 0.34/0.14 15.61 33.22
Falcon-7b-inst* 0.41/0.20 0.08/0.05 0.28/0.13 29.27 54.88 0.54/0.18 0.14/0.05 0.37/0.05 18.81 40.02
Flan-T5-xl* 0.73/0.31 0.37/0.15 0.57/0.24 10.36 29.42 0.82/0.22 0.48/0.13 0.67/0.18 5.90 18.68
Flan-T5-xxl* 0.69/0.19 0.25/0.07 0.52/0.15 10.18 25.11 0.74/0.14 0.32/0.06 0.57/0.11 7.01 18.54
MPT-7b-chat* 0.32/0.29 0.09/0.08 0.20/0.19 52.65 96.40 0.45/0.27 0.13/0.08 0.26/0.16 35.80 72.21
Llama-7b-chat* 0.38/0.21 0.09/0.21 0.28/0.06 27.05 50.68 0.50/0.14 0.14/0.06 0.33/0.14 23.49 48.84
Flan-T5-small** 0.72/0.30 0.38/0.15 0.58/0.25 9.13 28.51 0.80/0.20 0.49/0.12 0.62/0.16 5.83 16.35
Flan-T5-base** 0.74/0.30 0.38/0.15 0.58/0.25 9.55 29.12 0.84/0.23 0.54/0.15 0.69/0.19 4.99 16.45
Flan-T5-large** 0.68/0.20 0.24/0.07 0.51/0.15 10.77 26.36 0.70/0.13 0.28/0.05 0.53/0.10 7.79 19.29
Flan-T5-xl** 0.73/0.31 0.37/0.15 0.57/0.24 10.41 29.48 0.82/0.22 0.48/0.13 0.67/0.13 5.90 18.67
Dolly ** 0.31/0.22 0.06/0.04 0.22/0.13 45.58 82.58 0.43/0.23 0.08/0.05 0.24/0.13 33.69 67.67
T0pp-11b ** 0.69/0.25 0.25/0.08 0.52/0.16 10.65 26.80 0.74/0.16 0.32/0.07 0.56/0.12 7.84 21.06
Llama-7b-chat**[math]\displaystyle{ ^\pm }[/math] 0.38/0.21 0.09/0.06 0.28/0.14 26.34 49.43 0.50/0.13 0.13/0.06 0.33/0.13 22.94 47.60


(Conversation) (Ground truth)
Person2: I ’ Ve been having trouble breathing lately.
Person1: Have you had any type of cold lately?
Person2: No, I haven ’ t had a cold.
I just have a heavy feeling in my chest
when I try to breathe.
Person1: Do you have any allergies that you know of?
Person2: No, I don ’ t have any allergies that I know of.
Person1: Does this happen all the time or mostly
when you are active?
Person2: It happens a lot when I work out.
Person1: I am going to send you to a pulmonary
specialist who can run tests on you for asthma.
Person2: Thank you for your help, doctor.
The doctor asks Person2 about it
and will send Person2 to a pulmonary
I am going to send you to a pulmonary specialist
who can run tests on you for asthma.
Do you have any allergies that you know?
Person1 is going to send Person2 to a pulmonary
specialist who can run tests on Person2 for asthma.
He will send Person1 and Person2 a message.
Person2: Hi, how are you doing today?
I ’ve been having problems breathing lately.
I haven ’t had a cold. I just have a heavy
feeling in my chest when I try to breathe
Person1: Do you have any allergies that you know?
Person2 has been having trouble breathing lately.
She has a heavy feeling in her chest when she try
to breathe. Person1 is going to send her to a
pulmonary specialist who can run tests on her
for asthma.
1. Describe your dialogue:
2. How should you greet the patient? (1 Marks)
3. What should you ask about the lifestyle? (1 Marks)
4. What symptoms would you suspect? (1 Marks)
5. List three diagnostic tests that your friend
doctor would run on a patient suffering from your
partner patient disease. (2 Marks)
The patient has been having difficulty
breathing and it is a recurring issue.
The doctor notices that it happens mostly
when the patient is active, so they suggest
sending the patient to a pulmonary specialist
for tests to rule out asthma. The patient is
thankful for the doctor’s help.
Person 1 (doctor) is interacting with Person 2 (patient)
during a consultation. Person 2 has been
experiencing difficulty breathing, and the doctor
asks questions to gather more information and
determine the cause. The doctor suspects asthma
and recommends a pulmonary specialist for further
Summary: The two people in the dialogue are
discussing symptoms related to breathing difficulties.
Person two explains that they have been experiencing a
heavy feeling in their chest when trying to breathe,
but have not had any colds or allergies. The first
person suggests that they may have asthma and sends
them to a pulmonary specialist for further testing.
Write a summary of Person1:
‘Person1 has a heavy feeling in the chest
when he/she tries to breathe.’ Person1 goes
to the primary care physician who diagnoses
him/her with a lung infections. Person1:
and the doctor sends him/her to another doctor
for further tests. The doctor has been breathing
difficulties. The doctor runs tests like a lung
disease. A specialist helps Person2: ’s diagnose
After discussing symptoms with Person1,
an appointment is arranged with a pulmonary
specialist to examine person2 and diagnose any
underlying respiratory issues.
Person2 has been having trouble breathing lately.
Person1 is going to send him to a pulmonary
specialist who can run tests on him for asthma.
Person2 has been having breathing problems lately.
They happen primarily when he exercises, so he
might have Asthma.

Person2 has trouble breathing.
She has not had any cold, and her
chest is heavy when she tries to breath.
At Person1 she will have tests for asthma.
Person2 has trouble breathing because of
allergies. She may have asthma and a
specialist will run tests on her.
Person2: I been having difficulty in breathing
lately.Person2: Never, I have just a heavy
feeling in my chest when I try to breathe.
Person2: I have no allergies that I
know of.The D.P.R.I.V.E.R.S.

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Person1 and Person2 are speaking with each
other. Person1 is listening to Person2’s
concerns about their breathing difficulties
and suspects that Person2 may have asthma.
Person1 suggests that Person2 should see a
pulmonary specialist and arranges an
appointment for them. Person1 suspects
that Person2 may have asthma because it
happens when Person2 is active which is a
common symptom of asthma. Person1 also
asks about allergies, colds and whether
it happens all the time.
A person that has breathing problems
should consult a doctor that can perform
a pulmonary function test for asthma.
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at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
I appreciate it. Person 1 is a doctor
who is asking Person 2 how they are
feeling. Person 2 responds that they
have been having trouble breathing lately
and a heavy feeling in their chest.
Person 1 asks if they have had a cold
or any allergies, and Person 2 responds
that they have not. Person 1 asks if this
happens all the time or mostly when they
are active, and Person 2 responds that
it happens a lot when they work out.
Person 1 decides to send Person 2 to a
pulmonary specialist to run tests for asthma.
Person 2 thanks Person 1 for their help.
  1. we study Promptsource in this work due it’s high activity and star ratings (compared to similar resources).
  2. https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp
  3. https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT
  4. T0pp model however have been exposed to Samsum dataset off-the-shelf. We cannot however guarantee that the models have not been exposed to these datasets due to limited information available.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2023 ZeroShotConversationalSummarizaRamesh Manuvinakurike
Saurav Sahay
Sangeeta Manepalli
Lama Nachman
Zero-shot Conversational Summarization Evaluations with Small Large Language Models10.48550/arXiv.2311.180412023