OpenAI Python API Library

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An OpenAI Python API Library is a Python library that enables developers to interact with OpenAI's API using Python programming language.



  • (GitHub, 2023) ⇒ OpenAI. (2023). "OpenAI Python Library." In: GitHub Repository. [1]
    • QUOTE: The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI REST API for Python 3.7+ applications. It includes type definitions for all request parameters and response fields, and offers both synchronous and asynchronous clients powered by httpx. The library is generated from the OpenAPI specification with Stainless.
    • NOTE: Overview
      • It provides convenient access to the OpenAI REST API from Python applications
   Includes type definitions and both sync and async clients powered by httpx
   Generated from the OpenAPI spec with Stainless
    • Usage
   Import OpenAI client and instantiate with API key
   Make API calls like chat completion, streaming responses, etc
   Async client mirrors sync client with await
    • Features
   Streaming responses using Server Side Events
   Auto-paginating iterators for list responses
   TypedDicts for nested parameters, Pydantic models for responses
   File uploads with bytes, Path, or filename + content
   Retries built-in for certain errors
   Configurable timeouts
   Logging with standard library
   Way to check if a None value means missing or explicitly null
   Access to raw response data like headers
   Full control over the HTTP client
   Context managers to manage resource cleanup


  • chat
    • The OpenAI Python library is an official Python package provided by OpenAI that makes it easy to interact with OpenAI's APIs, including the powerful GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models. This library allows developers to access the functionalities of OpenAI's API, such as generating text completions, semantic search, and other natural language processing tasks, directly within their Python applications.
    • Some key features of the OpenAI Python library are:
      • Simple interface: The library provides a straightforward and user-friendly interface to interact with the OpenAI API, making it easier for developers to integrate AI-powered functionalities into their applications.
      • Support for various OpenAI API features: The library covers a wide range of functionalities available through the API, including text generation, fine-tuning models, creating completions, and semantic search, among others.
      • Flexible configuration: Developers can easily configure various aspects of the API request, such as the engine, temperature, number of tokens, and prompt, to customize the behavior and output of the GPT models.
      • Active development and support: The OpenAI Python library is actively maintained and updated by OpenAI, ensuring compatibility with the latest API features and improvements.


    • QUOTE: The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for API resources that initialize themselves dynamically from API responses which makes it compatible with a wide range of versions of the OpenAI API. ...
    • Examples of how to use this Python library to accomplish various tasks can be found in the OpenAI Cookbook. It contains code examples for:
      • Classification using fine-tuning
      • Clustering
      • Code search
      • Customizing embeddings
      • Question answering from a corpus of documents
      • Recommendations
      • Visualization of embeddings
      • And more