Software Bug Report

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A Software Bug Report is a report of a possible software bug.



  • chat
    • Q: what is a bug report? What should it include?
    • A: A bug report is a document that describes a problem with a software application or system, including information about the conditions under which the problem occurred, the expected behavior and the actual behavior.

      A well-written bug report should include the following information:

      • Summary: A brief description of the problem.
      • Steps to reproduce: Detailed instructions to reproduce the problem, including the exact sequence of steps and the input data.
      • Expected behavior: A description of what the user expected to happen when performing the steps.
      • Actual behavior: A description of what actually happened when performing the steps.
      • Environment: Information about the operating system, browser, and hardware used.
      • Attachments: Any relevant screenshots, log files or other supporting materials.
      • Priority: An indication of the severity of the problem and its impact on the software's functionality.
    • The goal of a bug report is to provide enough information for a developer to understand, reproduce and fix the issue. The more clear, concise, and comprehensive the bug report, the easier it will be for the developer to resolve the issue.