Stacked Convolutional Neural Network

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A Stacked Convolutional Neural Network is a Stacked Neural Network that is a combination of convolutional neural networks.



Bejnordi S-CNN.png
Figure 2: Architectures used for patch classification. (a) The WRN-4-2 architecture used for classification of 224 × 224 input patches. This architecture consists of an initial convolutional layer that is followed by three residual convolution groups (each of size N=4 residual blocks), followed by global average pooling and a softmax classifier. Downsampling is performed by the first convolutional layers in each group with a stride of 2 and the first convolutional layer of the entire network. Here, Conv 3@32 is a convolutional layer with a kernel size of 3 × 3, and 32 filters. (b) The Residual Block (RB) used in this paper. Batch normalization and ReLU precede each convolution. ⊕ indicates an element-wise sum. Note that the 1 × 1 convolution layer is only used in the first convolutional layer of each Residual convolution group. (c) Architecture of the CAS-CNN with input size of 768 × 768. The weights of the components with dotted outlines are taken from the previously trained WRN-4-2 network, and are no longer updated during training.

  1. K. Simonyan and A. Zisserman (2014) "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition". Preprint arXiv:1409.1556