Work (Thermodynamics)

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See: Work (Physics), Power (Physics), List of Thermodynamic Properties, Thermodynamics, Energy, State Function, International System of Units, Joule.



  • (Wikipedia, 2016) ⇒ Retrieved:2016-4-25.
    • In thermodynamics, work performed by a system is the energy transferred by the system to its surroundings, that is fully accounted for solely by macroscopic forces exerted on the system by factors external to it, that is to say, factors in its surroundings. Thermodynamic work is a version of the concept of work in physics.

      The external factors may be electromagnetic,[1] [2] [3] gravitational,[4] or pressure/volume or other simply mechanical constraints.[5] Thermodynamic work is defined to be measurable solely from knowledge of such external macroscopic forces. These forces are associated with macroscopic state variables of the system that always occur in conjugate pairs, for example pressure and volume, magnetic flux density and magnetization. In the SI system of measurement, work is measured in joules (symbol: J). The rate at which work is performed is power.

  1. Guggenheim, E.A. (1985). Thermodynamics. An Advanced Treatment for Chemists and Physicists, seventh edition, North Holland, Amsterdam, ISBN 0444869514.
  2. Jackson, J.D. (1975). Classical Electrodynamics, second edition, John Wiley and Sons, New York, ISBN 978-0-471-43132-9.
  3. Konopinski, E.J. (1981). Electromagnetic Fields and Relativistic Particles, McGraw-Hill, New York, ISBN 007035264X.
  4. North, G.R., Erukhimova, T.L. (2009). Atmospheric Thermodynamics. Elementary Physics and Chemistry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (UK), ISBN 9780521899635.
  5. Kittel, C. Kroemer, H. (1980). Thermal Physics, second edition, W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, ISBN 0716710889.[1]