Employee Recognition

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An Employee Recognition is a social recognition whose recipient is an employee.



  • https://hr.duke.edu/managers/employee-recognition/examples-recognition
    • QUOTE: Have you ever received praise from your boss in front of a group of colleagues? Did you have a supervisor who took your team out to lunch to celebrate the completion of a big project? If so, you understand how it feels to be thanked and appreciated.

       Employee recognition is a key driver of motivation and employee satisfaction in the workplace. Recognition of staff for special accomplishments, career service, retirement or other special circumstances can also enhance staff member relations and reinforce desired behaviors.

      Consistent, timely, and meaningful rewards and recognition do not need to be costly or time consuming, but they should be a priority, as employee recognition is one of the leading factors contributing to employee satisfaction and motivation. Following are some suggestions supervisors can use to show appreciation for the hard work being done by employees at Duke.