Subcellular Protein Localization Event Mention

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A Subcellular Protein Localization Event Mention is a relation mention of a protein localization relation (of a protein localization event).

  • AKA: Subcellular Protein Location Mention, Protein Localization Relation Mention.
  • Example(s):
    • "[PROTEIN Protein K] is an [LOCATION outer membrane] protein found in pathogenic encapsulated strains of [ORGANISM Escherichia coli]." (PPLRE Corpus 610.a.0).
    • "The major [PROTEIN TreA] activity was found in the [LOCATION cytoplasm]." (PPLRE Corpus 357.a.1).
    • "This suggests that [PROTEIN MmpL7] acts in complex with the synthesis machinery to efficiently transport [OTHER PDIM] across the [LOCATION cell membrane]." (PPLRE Corpus 7181.a.5).
    • "[PROTEIN TcpQ] is a predicted [LOCATION periplasmic] protein required for TCP biogenesis." (PPLRE Corpus 7373.4).
    • "[PROTEINa virA] encodes a [LOCATIONa membrane-bound] sensor kinase protein and [PROTEINb virG] encodes a [LOCATIONb cytoplasmic] regulator protein." (PPLRE Corpus 8611.a.2).
    • "During phenylethylamine-dependent growth, aromatic [PROTEINa amine dehydrogenase], [PROTEINb bazurin], and a single [PROTEINc cytochrome c] were localized in the [LOCATION periplasm]." (PPLRE Corpus 30.a.1).
    • "Western blotting of lysates of wild-type 8325-4 and Newman and the corresponding [PROTEINa ebpS] mutants showed that [PROTEINb EbpS] migrated with an apparent molecular mass of 83 kDa. The protein was found exclusively in [LOCATIONa cytoplasmic membrane] fractions purified from protoplasts or lysed cells, in contrast to the clumping factor [PROTEINc ClfA], which was [LOCATIONb cell-wall-associated]." (PPLRE Corpus 99.2-3).
    • "[PROTEIN TcpQ] is a predicted [LOCATIONa periplasmic] protein required for TCP biogenesis. Fractionation studies revealed that the protein is not localized to the [LOCATIONa periplasm] but is associated predominantly with the [LOCATIONb outer membrane] fraction." (PPLRE Corpus 7373.4-5).
        • "A protein ([PROTEIN1 NosA] ) in the [LOCATION outer membrane] of [ORGANISM Pseudomonas stutzeri]/ that is required for copper to be inserted into [PROTEIN2 N2O reductase] has been extracted and purified to homogeneity." (PPLRE Corpus 4151.a.0).
  • Counter-Example(s):
  • See: Protein Localization Mention Recognition Task, PPLRE Project.