2024 CodeGenerationwithAlphaCodiumFr

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Subject Headings: AlphaCodium, Alpha Code 2.


  • AlphaCodium introduces a unique, test-based, multi-stage, iterative flow to improve Large Language Models' (LLMs) performance in code generation, particularly highlighting its success on the challenging CodeContests dataset.
  • The paper identifies the specific challenges of code generation, such as the need for exact syntax and the difficulty in evaluating partial or incorrect solutions, which differ significantly from natural language tasks.
  • AlphaCodium's process includes pre-processing for natural language reasoning about the problem, followed by iterative code generation and fixing stages using additional AI-generated tests.
  • It emphasizes a code-oriented design with features like YAML structured output, modular generation, and soft decisions to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of code solutions.
  • The results show that AlphaCodium significantly improves LLMs' performance on complex coding problems, outperforming previous methods using fewer computational resources.
  • The approach is practical across various open-source and closed-source models and demonstrates superior pass rates and computational efficiency compared to direct prompt solutions.
  • The paper concludes that AlphaCodium's principles and practices broadly apply to general code generation tasks, suggesting a new paradigm in handling code problems with LLMs.

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Code generation problems differ from common natural language problems - they require matching the exact syntax of the target language, identifying happy paths and edge cases, paying attention to numerous small details in the problem spec, and addressing other code-specific issues and requirements. Hence, many of the optimizations and tricks that have been successful in natural language generation may not be effective for code tasks. In this work, we propose a new approach to code generation by LLMs, which we call AlphaCodium - a test-based, multi-stage, code-oriented iterative flow, that improves the performances of LLMs on code problems. We tested AlphaCodium on a challenging code generation dataset called CodeContests, which includes competitive programming problems from platforms such as Codeforces. The proposed flow consistently and significantly improves results. On the validation set, for example, GPT-4 accuracy (pass@5) increased from 19% with a single well-designed direct prompt to 44% with the AlphaCodium flow. Many of the principles and best practices acquired in this work, we believe, are broadly applicable to general code generation tasks. Full implementation is available at: this https URL.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2024 CodeGenerationwithAlphaCodiumFrTal Ridnik
Dedy Kredo
Itamar Friedman
Code Generation with AlphaCodium: From Prompt Engineering to Flow Engineering10.48550/arXiv.2401.085002024