Dixon's Q Test

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A Dixon's Q Test is a statistical test for the identification and rejection of outliers.




  • (Wikipedia, 2016) ⇒ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dixon's_Q_test Retrieved 2016-08-21
    • In statistics, Dixon's Q test, or simply the Q test, is used for identification and rejection of outliers. This assumes normal distribution and per Robert Dean and Wilfrid Dixon, and others, this test should be used sparingly and never more than once in a data set. To apply a Q test for bad data, arrange the data in order of increasing values and calculate Q as defined:
[math]\displaystyle{ Q = \frac{\text{gap}}{\text{range}} }[/math]
Where gap is the absolute difference between the outlier in question and the closest number to it. If Q > Qtable, where Qtable is a reference value corresponding to the sample size and confidence level, then reject the questionable point. Note that only one point may be rejected from a data set using a Q test.