Git Repository

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A Git Repository is a data record set composed of Git records (that contain a collection of files of various different versions of a Project).



  • GBard
    • A Git repository is a collection of files and folders that are tracked by Git. It can be used to track changes to any type of file, but it is most commonly used to track changes to source code.

      Git repositories are stored in a special format that allows Git to efficiently track changes and create snapshots of the repository at different points in time. This makes it easy to roll back to a previous version of the repository if necessary.

       Git repositories are also distributed, which means that they can be copied to multiple locations and still remain in sync. This makes it easy to collaborate on projects with other people, even if they are located in different parts of the world.


    • QUOTE: Repositories in GIT contain a collection of files of various different versions of a Project. These files are imported from the repository into the local server of the user for further updations and modifications in the content of the file. A VCS or the Version Control System is used to create these versions and store them in a specific place termed as a repository. The process of copying the content from an existing Git Repository with the help of various Git Tools is termed as cloning. Once the cloning process is done, the user gets the complete repository on his local machine. Git by default assumes the work to be done on the repository is as a user, once the cloning is done. Users can also create a new repository or delete an existing repository. To delete a repository, the simpler way is to just delete the folder containing the repository.

      Repositories can be divided into two types based on the usage on a server. These are:

      • Bare Repositories: These repositories are used to share the changes that are done by different developers. A user is not allowed to modify this repository or create a new version for this repository based on the modifications done.
      • Non-bare Repositories: Non-bare repositories are user-friendly and hence allow the user to create new modifications of files and also create new versions for the repositories. Cloning process by default creates a non-bare repository if any parameter is not specified during the clone operation.