2005 MultiLingNEExtAndTrans

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Subject Headings: Named Entity Recognition


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  • Named entities (NE), the noun or noun phrases referring to persons, locations and organizations, are among the most information bearing linguistic structures. Extracting and translating named entities benefits many natural language processing problems such as cross-lingual information retrieval, cross-lingual question answering and machine translation.
  • In this thesis work we propose an efficient and effective framework to extract and translate NEs from text and speech. We adopt the hidden Markov model (HMM) as the baseline NE extraction system, and investigate its performance in multiple language pairs with varying amounts of training data. We expand the baseline text NE tagger with a context-based NE extraction model, which aims to detect and correct NE recognition errors from automatic speech recognition hypotheses. We also adapt the broadcast news trained NE tagger for meeting transcripts.
  • We develop several language-independent features to capture phonetic and semantic similarity measures between source and target NE pairs. We incorporate these features to solve various NE translation problems presented in different language pairs (Chinese to English, Arabic to English and Hindi to English), with varying resources (parallel and non-parallel corpora as well as the World WideWeb) and different input data streams (text and speech).
  • We also propose a cluster-specific name transliteration framework. By grouping names from similar origins into one cluster and training cluster-specific transliteration and language models, we manage to dramatically reduce the name transliteration error rates.
  • The proposed NE extraction and translation framework improves NE detection performance, boosts NE translation and transliteration accuracies and helps increase machine translation quality. Overall, it significantly reduces NE information loss caused by machine translation errors and enables efficient information access overcoming language and media barriers.

Thesis Contribution

This thesis work advances the research on NE extraction and translation in the following ways:

  • We design a set of crosslingual, language-independent similarity features which characterize the pronunciation similarity, the semantic similarity and the contextual similarity between NE translations;
  • We propose an NE translation framework that integrates the above features to solve various NE translation problems: bilingual NE alignment, NE projection and NE translation mining from non-parallel corpora. We successfully apply the framework in multiple language pairs: Chinese-English, Arabic-English and Hindi-English. We improve both NE translation accuracy and machine translation quality when integrating the NE translation into a statistical machine translation system.
  • We develop a cluster-specific name transliteration framework and substantially improve name transliteration accuracy and reduce character error rate.
  • ² We design an information-theoretic measure to estimate information loss from speech recognition and machine translation. Based on this measure, the proposed NE translation techniques significantly reduce the NE information loss by about 50%.
  • ² We extend theHMMNE tagger with a context-based NE extraction model, aim to detect and correct speech NE recognition errors. This approach, combined with speech recognition confidence measures and information retrieval techniques, improves speech NE extraction and translation accuracy. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first attempt towards speech NE translation.
  • ² We adapt a broadcast news trained NE tagger on meeting transcripts, and significantly improve the NE extraction performance.

Named Entity Recognition

  • Named entity recognition (NER), also known as NE extraction, NE detection, NE tagging or NE identification, is to recognize structured information, such as proper names (person, location and organization), time (date and time) and numerical values (currency and percentage) from natural language text. It is one of the first IE tasks to be researched. Many NER systems based on patternmatching rules or statistical models achieved satisfactory performances on well-formed text. Based on the 1997 MUC-7/MET-2 evaluation, NE recognition systems have achieved 94% F score on English newswire text and 85%-91% on Chinese text, 87%-93% on Japanese text.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2005 MultiLingNEExtAndTransFei HuangMultilingual Named Entity Extraction and Translation from Text and SpeechDoctoral Dissertationhttp://www.lti.cs.cmu.edu/Research/Thesis/FeiHuang06.pdf2005