LLM-based Commercial Contract Categorization System

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An LLM-based Commercial Contract Categorization System is a commercial contract categorization system that is an LLM-based NLP system (to solve a commercial contract categorization task).



  • Claude 3
    • QUOTE: Here is an LLM prompt to get an LLM to categorize a contract.
    • PROMPT:

      Please categorize the following contract into a concise name capturing the essential nature of the agreement. The category name should include the type of contract, specific subject matter or transaction type if relevant, and key characteristics such as lease type (e.g., gross, modified gross, net) or special terms (e.g., month-to-month, assignment) as applicable. Aim for a descriptive yet succinct label, typically between 3 to 10 words.

      For example:

      • Restaurant Lease Assignment and Assumption Agreement
      • Office Space Net/Modified Gross Lease Agreement
      • Month-to-Month Office Modified Gross Lease Agreement
    • Here is the text of the contract to categorize: <CONTRACT>PASTE_CONTRACT_TEXT_HERE</CONTRACT>
    • Now, report the concise category name: