OpenTelemetry Framework

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An OpenTelemetry Framework is ...



   A Brief Introduction to Instrumentation
   Open Instrumentation Standards
   Instrumentation Using Code-Based Examples
       Start with Automatic Instrumentation
       Add Custom Instrumentation
       Send Instrumentation Data to a Backend System



    • QUOTE: ... OpenTelemetry is an open source observability framework. It offers vendor-agnostic or vendor-neutral APIs, software development kits (SDKs) and other tools for collecting telemetry data from cloud-native applications and their supporting infrastructure to understand their performance and health.

      Managing performance in today’s complex, distributed environment is extremely difficult. Telemetry data is critical for helping DevOps and IT groups understand these systems’ behavior and performance. To gain a complete picture of their services’ and applications’ behavior, they need to instrument all their frameworks and libraries across programming languages.

      However, no commercial vendor has a single instrument or tool to collect data from all of an organization’s applications. This lack results in data silos and other ambiguities that make troubleshooting and performance-issue resolution more difficult.

       OpenTelemetry is important because it standardizes the way telemetry data is collected and transmitted to backend platforms. It bridges visibility gaps by providing a common format of instrumentation across all services. Engineers don’t have to re-instrument code or install different proprietary agents every time a backend platform is changed. OpenTelemetry will continue to work, too, as new technologies emerge, unlike commercial solutions, which will require vendors to build new integrations to make their products interoperable.

      In the sections that follow, we’ll take a closer look at OpenTelemetry, how it works and how it helps organizations achieve the observability in their distributed systems needed to meet their business goals.