Suicide by Cop Action

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A Suicide by Cop Action is a suicide by provoking a law enforcement officer.



  • Web Chatbot
    • Suicide by cop refers to situations where individuals intentionally trigger a lethal response from law enforcement officers as a means to end their lives. This phenomena is primarily based on two distinct categories: those who have committed a crime and prefer suicide to apprehension, and those who, already contemplating suicide, provoke a lethal response from law enforcement. This deliberately takes advantage of law enforcement protocols on the use of deadly force, by behaving threateningly, such as wielding a weapon. Determination of the individual's intent after death can be complicated, especially if that person has inflicted harm on others. This occurrence, recognized and researched since the 1980s, is represented in various forms of media and literature. To address such incidents, law enforcement authorities are developing procedural guides and training for recognizing and effectively managing these situations.