Cell Membrane

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A cell membrane is a membrane that encapsulates a cellular component.


  • (Wikipedia, 2009) ⇒ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Membranes
    • A membrane is a layer of material which serves as a selective barrier between two phases and remains impermeable to specific particles, molecules, or substances when exposed to the action of a driving force. Some components are allowed passage by the membrane into a permeate stream, whereas others are retained by it and accumulate in the retentate stream. [1]
    • Membranes can be of various thickness, with homogeneous or heterogeneous structure. Membrane can also be classified according to their pore diameter. According to IUPAC, there are three different types of pore size classifications: microporous (dp < 2nm), mesoporous (2nm < dp < 50nm) and macroporous (dp > 50nm). [2] Membranes can be neutral or charged, and particles transport can be active or passive. The latter can be facilitated by pressure, concentration, chemical or electrical gradients of the membrane process. Membranes can be generally classified into three groups: inorganic, polymeric or biological membranes. These three types of membranes differ significantly in their structure and functionality. [3]
  • Gene Ontology http://amigo.geneontology.org/cgi-bin/amigo/term-details.cgi?term=GO:0001844&session_id=7282amigo1243920789
    • Accession: GO:0001844
    • Ontology: biological process
    • Synonyms
      • exact: insertion of proteins into mitochondrial membranes during the induction of apoptosis
      • exact: protein insertion into mitochondrion membrane during induction of apoptosis
    • Definition
      • The process by which a protein is incorporated into a mitochondrial membrane as an early step in apoptosis. [source: GOC:add, PMID:12952892]
  • PMID 10559163:“Expression of estA in P. aeruginosa and Escherichia coli and subsequent cell fractionation revealed that the enzyme was associated with the cellular membranes
  • PMID 10361306:“Cell fractionation studies indicated that all three Ptl proteins are associated with the membranes of B. pertussis, suggesting that the Ptl proteins form a gate or channel which facilitates transport of pertussis toxin ”