Equality Relation

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An Equality Relation is a logical equivalence between two mathematical expressions.



  • (Wikipedia, 2016) ⇒ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/equality_(mathematics) Retrieved:2016-5-24.
    • In mathematics, equality is a relationship between two quantities or, more generally two mathematical expressions, asserting that the quantities have the same value, or that the expressions represent the same mathematical object. The equality between A and B is written A = B, and pronounced A equals B. The symbol "=" is called an “equals sign”. Thus there are three kinds of equality, which are formalized in different ways.
      • Two symbols refer to the same object. * Two sets have the same elements. [1]
      • Two expressions evaluate to the same value, such as a number, vector, function or set.
    • These may be thought of as the logical, set-theoretic and algebraic concepts of equality respectively.
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