Software Engineering Organization

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A Software Engineering Organization is an organizational department that performs software engineering tasks.



    • QUOTE: There are three common types of hardware/software engineering teams:
      • Combined — The most common structure is a team lead by a single VP Engineering who manages both hardware and software. If you can find a stellar person with the ability and experience to do both, this is an excellent option. However, truly great VP engineering candidates for this role are very hard to find making this the most difficult structure to execute well on.
      • Split Hardware and Software — Because software and hardware have such different time constants, team requirements, and management styles, it works well to have one VP who understands software management and one VP who understands hardware management. The trick is getting them to work collaboratively; if you decide to go this route (as many companies are starting to) the interpersonal dynamic between these leaders is critical to success.
      • Customer Success — Organizing your engineering/product team around the customer involves separating different aspects of your product into separate teams along the perspective of the customer rather than technologies. Having a product team (which focuses on the things the customer touches), development team (which focuses on implementation of the design), and architecture team (which focuses on longer-term, strategic design issues) can help simplify urgency and task management. While there aren’t many companies doing this yet, there is a new trend that I suspect will become more common in the next decade.