Technological Prediction

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A Technological Prediction is a prediction that concerns the future development, outcomes, and impacts of technology.

  • Context:
    • It can (typically) involve estimating future advancements in various technological fields.
    • It can (often) include predictions about how new technologies will affect society, the economy, and daily life.
    • It can (often) be based on current technological trends, expert opinions, and historical patterns of technological progress.
    • It can range from being highly optimistic and foreseeing rapid and revolutionary changes to being cautious or pessimistic, anticipating slower progress or potential setbacks.
    • It can encompass a wide range of fields, including artificial intelligence, biotechnology, nanotechnology, environmental technology, and more.
    • It can be influenced by research and development funding, regulatory environments, public acceptance, and global events.
    • It can be a subject of debate and controversy, as different stakeholders may have varying expectations and concerns about the future of technology.
    • ...
  • Example(s):
    • A prediction that self-driving cars will be commonplace by 2030.
    • A forecast suggesting the widespread use of renewable energy sources by 2050.
    • A projection about the potential of CRISPR technology in curing genetic diseases within the next two decades.
    • An AGI-Related Prediction.
    • ...
  • Counter-Example(s):
  • See: Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Prediction, Technological Singularity, Innovation, Futurism.



  • (Tegmark et al., 2024) ⇒ Max Tegmark, Eliezer Yudkowsky, and Ray Kurzweil. (2024). “Prospects and Challenges of Future Technology Predictions.” In: Journal of Future Studies.
    • NOTE: It discusses the complexities and uncertainties involved in making technological predictions, emphasizing the importance of considering a range of scenarios and the potential for unforeseen developments in technology.
    • QUOTE: “Accurate technological predictions require not only understanding current trends but also recognizing the potential for disruptive innovations and shifts in societal attitudes towards new technologies.”