Video Game Artificial Intelligence

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A Video Game Artificial Intelligence is a game artificial intelligence within an AI-using video game.




  • (Wikipedia, 2017b) ⇒ Retrieved:2017-6-2.
    • In video games, artificial intelligence is used to generate intelligent behaviors primarily in non-player characters (NPCs), often simulating human-like intelligence. The techniques used typically draw upon existing methods from the field of artificial intelligence (AI). However, the term game AI is often used to refer to a broad set of algorithms that also include techniques from control theory, robotics, computer graphics and computer science in general. Video game AI has come a long way in the sense that it has revolutionized the way humans interact with all forms of technology. This has become more versatile in the way we use all technological devices for more than their intended purpose because the AI allows the technology to operate in multiple ways, developing their own personalities and carrying out complex instructions of the user.

      Since game AI for NPCs is centered on appearance of intelligence and good gameplay within environment restrictions, its approach is very different from that of traditional AI; workarounds and cheats are acceptable and, in many cases, the computer abilities must be toned down to give human players a sense of fairness. This, for example, is true in first-person shooter games, where NPCs' otherwise perfect aiming would be beyond human skill.



    • QUOTE: ... Computer-controlled Artificial Intelligence (AI) has evolved in many forms to meet the test. However, creating an adaptive foil for the player that can match their moves and encourage player growth is no simple task. ...

      ... At its most basic level, “artificial intelligence” consists of emulating the behavior of other players or the entities (that is, all the elements of the game that can act or be acted upon-from players to missiles to health pickups) they represent. The key concept is that the behavior is simulated. In other words, AI for games is more “artificial” and less “intelligence”. ...

      ... A finite state machine (FMS) is a way of conceptualizing and implementing an entity that has distinct states throughout its life. A “state”can represent physical conditions that the entity is in, or it can represent emotional states that the entity can exhibit. In this example, emotional states are nothing like a true AI’s emotional states but predetermined behavior models that fit into the context of the game.

      Here are common examples of states for an AI system for a game with stealth elements: