2002 MiningKnowledgeSharingSitesForViralMarketing

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Subject Headings: Social Network Mining Algorithm, Viral Marketing


Cited By


  • Deepayan Chakrabarti. AutoPart: Parameter-Free Graph Partitioning and Outlier Detection. PKDD, 2004
  • Angela Y. Wu, Michael Garland, Jiawei Han. Mining scale-free networks using geodesic clustering. KDD, 2004
  • Deepayan Chakrabarti, Yiping Zhan, Christos Faloutsos. R-MAT: A Recursive Model for Graph Mining. SDM, 2004
  • Paat Rusmevichientong, Shenghuo Zhu, David Selinger. Identifying early buyers from purchase data. KDD, 2004



Viral marketing takes advantage of networks of influence among customers to inexpensively achieve large changes in behavior. Our research seeks to put it on a firmer footing by mining these networks from data, building probabilistic models of them, and using these models to choose the best viral marketing plan. Knowledge-sharing sites, where customers review products and advise each other, are a fertile source for this type of data mining. In this paper we extend our previous techniques, achieving a large reduction in computational cost, and apply them to data from a knowledge-sharing site. We optimize the amount of marketing funds spent on each customer, rather than just making a binary decision on whether to market to him. We take into account the fact that knowledge of the network is partial, and that gathering that knowledge can itself have a cost. Our results show the robustness and utility of our approach."

Mining Knowledge-Sharing Sites

We have chosen to mine Epinions (http://www.epinions.com ), possibly the best known knowledge-sharing site. On Epinions, members submit product reviews, including a rating (from 0 to 5 stars) for any of over one hundred thousand products. As added incentive, reviewers are paid each time one of their reviews is read. Epinions users interact with each other in both of the ways outlined above, by rating reviews, and also by listing reviewers that they trust. The network of trust relationships between users is called the “web of trust”, and is used by Epinions to re-order the product reviews such that a user first sees reviews by users that they trust. The trust relationships between users, and thus the entire web of trust, can be obtained by crawling through the pages of the individual users. With over 75k users and 500k edges in its web of trust, and 586k reviews over 104k products, Epinions is an ideal source for experiments on social networks and viral marketing. Interestingly, we found that the distribution of trust relationships in the web of trust is Zipfian [25], as has been found in many social networks [24]. This is evidence that the web of trust is a representative example of a social network, and thus is a good basis for our study. A Zipfian distribution of trust is also indicative of a skewed distribution of network values, and therefore of the potential utility of viral marketing."


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2002 MiningKnowledgeSharingSitesForViralMarketingPedro Domingos
Matthew Richardson
Mining Knowledge-Sharing Sites for Viral MarketingKDD-2002http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/pedrod/papers/kdd02b.pdf2002