2005 ScalingInformationExtraction

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Subject Headings: Information Extraction Task


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  • Information extraction and text mining applications are just beginning to tap the immense amounts of valuable textual information available online. In order to extract information from millions, and in some cases, billions of documents, different solutions to scalability emerged. We review key approaches for scaling up information extraction, including using general-purpose search engines as well as indexing techniques specialized for information extraction applications. Scalable information extraction is an active area of research, and we highlight some of the opportunities and challenges in this area that are relevant to the database community.

Background: Information Extraction

  • The general information extraction process is outlined in Figure 1 (adapted from [15]).
  • Figure 1
    • Text Document ⇒ Local Text Analysis (Lexical Analysis ⇒ Named Entity Recognition ⇒ Syntactic Analysis ⇒ Extraction Pattern Matching (RE)) ⇒ Discourse and Collection Analysis (Coreference Resolution ⇒ Deduplication/Disambiguraiton ⇒ Merging and Conflict Resolution) ⇒ Structured Object

Exploiting General-Purpose Search Engines

Using Specialized Indexes and Search Engines

  • General-purpose search engines are designed for short keyword queries and for retrieving relatively few results per query. In contrast, information extraction systems can submit sophisticated and specific queries and request many or all query results.


  • A dimension of information extraction scalability not addressed in this survey is a trade-off between domain independence and extraction accuracy. While named entity extraction technology is relatively mature and is generally accurate for common entity types (e.g., person and location names), domain-independent relation and event extraction techniques are still error-prone, and are an active area of natural language processing and text mining research. One interesting research direction is to apply probabilistic query processing techniques (reviewed in [30]) to derive usable query answers from the noisy information extracted from text.


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2005 ScalingInformationExtractionEugene AgichteinScaling Information Extraction to Large Document Collectionshttp://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~eugene/papers/DEB05-agichtein.pdf