2007 ProbDescLogicPrograms

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  • Towards sophisticated representation and reasoning techniques that allow for probabilistic uncertainty in the Rules, Logic, and Proof layers of the Semantic Web, we present probabilistic description logic programs (or pdl-programs), which are a combination of description logic programs (or dl-programs) under the answer set semantics and the well-founded semantics with Poole's independent choice logic. We show that query processing in such pdl-programs can be reduced to computing all answer sets of dl-programs and solving linear optimization problems, and to computing the well-founded model of dl-programs, respectively. Moreover, we show that the answer set semantics of pdl-programs is a refinement of the well-founded semantics of pdl-programs. Furthermore, we also present an algorithm for query processing in the special case of stratified pdl-programs, which is based on a reduction to computing the canonical model of stratified dl-programs.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2007 ProbDescLogicProgramsThomas LukasiewiczProbabilistic Description Logic Programshttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science? ob=ArticleURL& udi=B6V07-4KMYRRV-1& user=10& coverDate=07/31/2007& rdoc=1& fmt=high& orig=gateway& origin=gateway& sort=d& docanchor=&view=c& rerunOrigin=scholar.google& acct=C000050221& version=1& urlVersion=0& userid=10&md5=dafd05539364ba581f8ca4d7f0ee5326&searchtype=a