2009 PhraseClusteringforDiscriminati

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Subject Headings: Phrase Clustering, Text-Token Predictor Feature.


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We present a simple and scalable algorithm for clustering tens of millions of phrases and use the resulting clusters as features in discriminative classifiers. To demonstrate the power and generality of this approach, we apply the method in two very different applications: named entity recognition and query classification. Our results show that phrase clusters offer significant improvements over word clusters. Our NER system achieves the best current result on the widely used CoNLL benchmark. Our query classifier is on par with the best system in KDDCUP 2005 without resorting to labor intensive knowledge engineering efforts.

1 Introduction

Over the past decade, supervised learning algorithms have gained widespread acceptance in natural language processing (NLP). They have become the workhorse in almost all sub-areas and components of NLP, including part-ofspeech tagging, chunking, named entity recognition and parsing. To apply supervised learning to an NLP problem, one first represents the problem as a vector of features. The learning algorithm then optimizes a regularized, convex objective function that is expressed in terms of these features. The performance of such learning-based solutions thus crucially depends on the informativeness of the features. The majority of the features in these supervised classifiers are predicated on lexical information, such as word identities. The long-tailed distribution of natural language words implies that most of the word types will be either unseen or seen very few times in the labeled training data, even if the data set is a relatively large one (e.g., the Penn Treebank).

While the labeled data is generally very costly to obtain, there is a vast amount of unlabeled textual data freely available on the web. One way to alleviate the sparsity problem is to adopt a two-stage strategy: first create word clusters with unlabeled data and then use the clusters as features in supervised training. Under this approach, even if a word is not found in the training data, it may still fire cluster-based features as long as it shares cluster assignments with some words in the labeled data.

Since the clusters are obtained without any labeled data, they may not correspond directly to concepts that are useful for decision making in the problem domain. However, the supervised learning algorithms can typically identify useful clusters and assign proper weights to them, effectively adapting the clusters to the domain. This method has been shown to be quite successful in named entity recognition (Miller et al. 2004) and dependency parsing (Koo et al., 2008).

In this paper, we present a semi-supervised learning algorithm that goes a step further. In addition to word-clusters, we also use phraseclusters as features. Out of context, natural language words are often ambiguous. Phrases are much less so because the words in a phrase provide contexts for one another. Consider the phrase “Land of Odds”. One would never have guessed that it is a company name based on the clusters containing Odds and Land. With phrase-based clustering, “Land of Odds” is grouped with many names that are labeled as company names, which is a strong indication that it is a company name as well. The disambiguation power of phrases is also evidenced by the improvements of phrase-based machine translation systems (Koehn et. al., 2003) over word-based ones.

Previous approaches, e.g., (Miller et al. 2004) and (Koo et al. 2008), have all used the Brown algorithm for clustering (Brown et al. 1992). The main idea of the algorithm is to minimize the bigram language-model perplexity of a text corpus. The algorithm is quadratic in the number of elements to be clustered. It is able to cluster tens of thousands of words, but is not scalable enough to deal with tens of millions of phrases. Uszkoreit and Brants (2008) proposed a distributed clustering algorithm with a similar objective function as the Brown algorithm. It substantially increases the number of elements that can be clustered. However, since it still needs to load the current clustering of all elements into each of the workers in the distributed system, the memory requirement becomes a bottleneck.

We present a distributed version of a much simpler K-Means clustering that allows us to cluster tens of millions of elements. We demonstrate the advantages of phrase-based clusters over word-based ones with experimental results from two distinct application domains: named entity recognition and query classification. Our named entity recognition system achieves an F1-score of 90.90 on the CoNLL 2003 English data set, which is about 1 point higher than the previous best result. Our query classifier reaches the same level of performance as the KDDCUP 2005 winning systems, which were built with a great deal of knowledge engineering.

2 Distributed K-Means clustering

K-Means clustering (MacQueen 1967) is one of the simplest and most well-known clustering algorithms. Given a set of elements represented as feature vectors and a number, k, of desired clusters, the K-Means algorithm consists of the following steps:

Step Operation
i. Select k elements as the initial centroids for k clusters.
ii. Assign each element to the cluster with the closest centroid according to a distance (or similarity) function.
iii. Recompute each cluster’s centroid by averaging the vectors of its elements
iv. Repeat Steps ii and iii until convergence

Before describing our parallel implementation of the K-Means algorithm, we first describe the phrases to be clusters and how their feature vectors are constructed.

6 Conclusions

We presented a simple and scalable algorithm to cluster tens of millions of phrases and we used the resulting clusters as features in discriminative classifiers. We demonstrated the power and generality of this approach on two very different applications: named entity recognition and query classification. Our system achieved the best current result on the CoNLL NER data set. Our query categorization system is on par with the best system in KDDCUP 2005, which, unlike ours, involved a great deal of knowledge engineering effort.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2009 PhraseClusteringforDiscriminatiDekang Lin
Xiaoyun Wu
Phrase Clustering for Discriminative Learning2009