2014 CorpusAnnotationthroughCrowdsou

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Subject Headings: Crowdsourced Corpus Annotation


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Crowdsourcing is an emerging collaborative approach that can be used for the acquisition of annotated corpora and a wide range of other linguistic resources. Although the use of this approach is intensifying in all its key genres (paid-for crowdsourcing, games with a purpose, volunteering-based approaches), the community still lacks a set of best-practice guidelines similar to the annotation best practices for traditional, expert-based corpus acquisition. In this paper we focus on the use of crowdsourcing methods for corpus acquisition and propose a set of best practice guidelines based in our own experiences in this area and an overview of related literature. We also introduce GATE Crowd, a plugin of the GATE platform that relies on these guidelines and offers tool support for using crowdsourcing in a more principled and efficient manner.

1. Introduction

Over the past ten years, Natural Language Processing (NLP) research has been driven forward by a growing volume of annotated corpora, produced by evaluation initiatives such as ACE (ACE, 2004), TAC,[1] SemEval and Senseval, [2] and large annotation projects such as OntoNotes (Hovy et al., 2006). These corpora have been essential for training and domain adaptation of NLP algorithms and their quantitative evaluation, as well as for enabling algorithm comparison and repeatable experimentation. Thanks to these efforts, there are now well-understood best practices in how to create annotations of consistently high quality, by employing, training, and managing groups of linguistic and/or domain experts. This process is referred to as “the science of annotation” (Hovy, 2010).

More recently, the emergence of crowdsourcing platforms (e.g. paid-for marketplaces such as Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) and CrowdFlower (CF); games with a purpose; and volunteer-based platforms such as crowdcrafting), coupled with growth in internet connectivity, motivated NLP researchers to experiment with crowdsourcing as a novel, collaborative approach for obtaining linguistically annotated corpora. The advantages of crowdsourcing over expert-based annotation have already been discussed elsewhere (Fort et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2012), but in a nutshell, crowdsourcing tends to be cheaper and faster.

There are now a large and continuously growing number of papers, which have used crowdsourcing in order to create annotated data for training and testing a wide range of NLP algorithms, as detailed in Section 2. and listed in Table 1. As the practice of using crowdsourcing for corpus annota- tion has become more widespread, so has the need for a best practice synthesis, spanning all three crowdsourcing genres and generalising from the specific NLP annotation task re- ported in individual papers. The meta-review of (Wang et al., 2012) discusses the trade-offs of the three crowdsourcing genres, alongside dimensions such as contributor motivation, setup effort, and human participants. While this review answers some key questions in using crowdsourcing, it does not provide a summary of best practice in how to setup, execute, and manage a complete crowdsourcing annotation project. In this paper we aim to address this gap by putting forward a set of best practice guidelines for crowdsourced corpus acquisition (Section 3.) and introducing GATE Crowd, an extension of the GATE NLP platform that facilitates the creation of crowdsourced tasks based on best practices and their integration into larger NLP processes (Section 4.).

2. Crowdsourcing Approaches

Crowdsourcing paradigms for corpus creation can be placed into one of three categories: mechanised labour, where workers are rewarded financially; games with a purpose, where the task is presented as a game; and altruistic work, relying on goodwill.

Mechanised labour has been used to create corpora that support a broad range of NLP problems (Table 1). Highly popular are NLP problems that are inherently subjective and cannot yet be reliably solved automatically, such as sentiment and opinion mining (Mellebeek et al., 2010), word sense disambiguation (Parent and Eskenazi, 2010), textual entailment (Negri et al., 2011), question answering (Heilman and Smith, 2010). Others create corpora of special resource types such as emails (Lawson et al., 2010), twitter feeds (Finin et al., 2010), augmented and alternative communication texts (Vertanen and Kristensson, 2011).

One advantage of crowdsourcing is “access to foreign markets with native speakers of many rare languages” (Zaidan and Callison-Burch, 2011). This feature is particularly useful for those that work on less-resourced languages such as Arabic (El-Haj et al., 2010) and Urdu (Zaidan and Callison-Burch, 2011). Irvine and Klementiev (2010) demonstrated that it is possible to create lexicons between English and 37 out of the 42 low-resource languages they examined. Games with a purpose (GWAPs) for annotation include Phratris (annotating sentences with syntactic dependen- cies) (Attardi, 2010), PhraseDetectives (Poesio et al., 2012) (anaphora annotations), and Sentiment Quiz (Scharl et al., 2012) (sentiment). GWAP-based approaches for collecting speech data include VoiceRace (McGraw et al., 2009), a GWAP+MTurk approach, where participants see a definition on a flashcard and need to guess and speak the corresponding word, which is then transcribed automatically by a speech recognizer; VoiceScatter (Gruenstein et al., 2009), where players must connect word sets with their definitions; Freitas et al.’s GWAP (Freitas et al., 2010), where players speak answers to graded questions in different knowledge domains; and MarsEscape (Chernova et al., 2010), a two-player game for collecting large-scale data for human-robot interaction.

An early example of leveraging volunteer contributions is Open Mind Word Expert , a Web interface that allows volunteers to tag words with their appropriate sense from WordNet in order to collect training data for the Senseval campaigns (Chklovski and Mihalcea, 2002). Also, the MNH (“Translation for all”) platform tries to foster the formation of a community through functionalities such as social networking and group definition support (Abekawa et al., 2010). Lastly, crowdcrafting.org is a community platform where NLP-based applications can be deployed.

Notably, volunteer projects that have not been conceived with a primary NLP interest but which delivered results that are useful in solving NLP problems are (i) Wikipedia, (ii) The Open Mind Common Sense project for collecting general world knowledge from volunteers in multiple languages, a key source for the ConceptNet semantic network that can enable various text understanding tasks; (iii) or Freebase a structured, graph-based knowledge repository offering information about almost 22 million entities constructed both by automatic means but also through contributions from thousands of volunteers.

3. Best Practice Guidelines

Conceptually, the process of crowdsourcing language resources can be broken down into four main stages, outlined in Figure 3. and discussed in the following subsections. These stages have been identified based on generalising our experience with crowdsourced corpus acquisition (Rafelsberger and Scharl, 2009; Scharl et al., 2012; Sabou et al., 2013a; Sabou et al., 2013b) and a meta-analysis of other crowdsourcing projects summarized in Table 1


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2014 CorpusAnnotationthroughCrowdsouKalina Bontcheva
Marta Sabou
Leon Derczynski
Arno Scharl
Corpus Annotation through Crowdsourcing: Towards Best Practice Guidelines2014
  1. 1 www.nist.gov/tac
  2. www.senseval.org