2015 EmbeddingaSemanticNetworkinAWor

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We present a framework for using continuous-space vector representations of word meaning to derive new vectors representing the meaning of senses listed in a semantic network. It is a post-processing approach that can be applied to several types of word vector representations. It uses two ideas: first, that vectors for polysemous words can be decomposed into a convex combination of sense vectors; secondly, that the vector for a sense is kept similar to those of its neighbors in the network. This leads to a constrained optimization problem, and we present an approximation for the case when the distance function is the squared Euclidean.

We applied this algorithm on a Swedish semantic network, and we evaluate the quality of the resulting sense representations extrinsically by showing that they give large improvements when used in a classifier that creates lexical units for FrameNet frames.

1 Introduction

Representing word meaning computationally is central in natural language processing. Manual, knowledge-based approaches to meaning representation maps word strings to symbolic concepts, which can be described using any knowledge representation framework; using the relations between concepts defined in the knowledge base, we can infer implicit facts from the information stated in a text: a mouse is a rodent, so it has prominent teeth.

Conversely, data-driven meaning representation approaches rely on cooccurrence patterns to derive a vector representation (Turney and Pantel, 2010). There are two classes of methods that compute word vectors: context-counting and context-predicting; while the latter has seen much interest lately, their respective strengths and weaknesses are still being debated (Baroni et al., 2014; Levy and Goldberg, 2014). The most important relation defined in a vector space between the meaning of two words is similarity: a mouse is something quite similar to a rat. Similarity of meaning is operationalized in terms of geometry, by defining a distance metric.

Symbolic representations seem to have an advantage in describing word sense ambiguity: when a surface form corresponds to more than one concept. For instance, the word mouse can refer to a rodent or an electronic device. Vector-space representations typically represent surface forms only, which makes it hard to search e.g. for a group of words similar to the rodent sense of mouse or to reliably use the vectors in classifiers that rely on the semantics of the word. There have been several attempts to create vectors representing senses, most of them based on some variant of the idea first proposed by Schütze (1998): that senses can be seen as clusters of similar contexts. Recent examples in this tradition include the work by Huang et al. (2012) and Neelakantan et al. (2014). However, because sense distributions are often highly imbalanced, it is not clear that context clusters can be reliably created for senses that occur rarely. These approaches also lack interpretability: if we are interested in the rodent sense of mouse, which of the vectors should we use?

In this work, we instead derive sense vectors by embedding the graph structure of a semantic network in the word space. By combining two complementary sources of informationcorpus statistics and network structurewe derive useful vectors also for concepts that occur rarely. The method, which can be applied to context-counting as well as context-predicting spaces, works by decomposing word vectors as linear combinations of sense vectors, and by pushing the sense vectors towards their neighbors in the semantic network. This intuition leads to a constrained optimization problem, for which we present an approximate algorithm.

We applied the algorithm to derive vectors for the senses in a Swedish semantic network, and we evaluated their quality extrinsically by using them as features in a semantic classification task – mapping senses to their corresponding FrameNet frames. When using the sense vectors in this task, we saw a large improvement over using word vectors.

5 Conclusion

We have presented a new method to embed a semantic network consisting of linked word senses into a continuous-vector word space; the method is agnostic about whether the original word space was produced using a context-counting or contextpredicting method. Unlike previous approaches for creating sense vectors, since we rely on the network structure, we can create representations for senses that occur rarely in corpora. While the experiments described in this paper have been carried out using a Swedish corpus and semantic network, the algorithm we have described is generally applicable and the software[1] can be applied to other languages and semantic networks.

The algorithm takes word vectors and uses them and the network structure to induce the sense vectors. It is based on two separate ideas: first, sense embeddings should preserve the structure of the semantic network as much as possible, so two senses should be close if they are neighbors in the graph; secondly, the word vectors are a probablistic mix of sense vectors. These two ideas are stated as an optimization problem where the first becomes the objective and the second a constraint. While this is hard to solve in the general case, we presented an approximation that can be applied when using the squared Euclidean distance.

We implemented the algorithm and used it to embed the senses of a Swedish semantic network into a word space produced using the skip-gram model. While a qualitative inspection of nearest-neighbor lists of a few senses gives very appealing results, our main evaluation was extrinsic: a FrameNet lexical unit classifier saw a large performance boost when using sense vectors instead of word vectors.

In a followup paper (Johansson and Nieto Pi˜na, 2015), we have shown that sense embeddings can be used to build an efficient word sense disambiguation system that is much faster than graph-based systems with a similar accuracy, and that the mix variables can be used to predict the predominant sense of a word. In future work, we plan to investigate whether the sense vectors are useful for retrieving rarely occurring senses in corpora. Furthermore, since we now evaluated extrinsically, it would be useful to devise intrinsic sense-based evaluation schemes, e.g. a sense analogy task similar to the word analogy task used by Mikolov et al. (2013).



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2015 EmbeddingaSemanticNetworkinAWorRichard Johansson
Luis Nieto Piña
Embedding a Semantic Network in AWord Space2015
  1. http://demo.spraakdata.gu.se / richard / scouse