2021 DiveIntoDeepLearning

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Subject Headings: DNN Fine Tuning.


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Table of Contents

Table Of Contents

       A Motivating Example
       Key Components
           1. Data
           2. Models
           3. Objective Functions
           4. Optimization Algorithms
       Kinds of Machine Learning Problems
           1. Supervised Learning
               1.1. Regression
               1.2. Classification
               1.3. Tagging
               1.4. Search
               1.5. Recommender Systems
               1.6. Sequence Learning
           2. Unsupervised and Self-Supervised Learning
           3. Interacting with an Environment
           4. Reinforcement Learning
       The Road to Deep Learning
       Success Stories
       The Essence of Deep Learning


1. Introduction

Until recently, nearly every computer program that you might interact with on an ordinary day was coded up as a rigid set of rules specifying precisely how it should behave. Say that we wanted to write an application to manage an e-commerce platform. After huddling around a whiteboard for a few hours to ponder the problem, we might settle on the broad strokes of a working solution, for example: (i) users interact with the application through an interface running in a web browser or mobile application; (ii) our application interacts with a commercial-grade database engine to keep track of each user’s state and maintain records of historical transactions; and (iii) at the heart of our application, the business logic (you might say, the brains) of our application spells out a set of rules that map every conceivable circumstance to the corresponding action that our program should take.

To build the brains of our application, we might enumerate all the common events that our program should handle. For example, whenever a customer clicks to add an item to their shopping cart, our program should add an entry to the shopping cart database table, associating that user’s ID with the requested product’s ID. We might then attempt to step through every possible corner case, testing the appropriateness of our rules and making any necessary modifications. What happens if a user initiates a purchase with an empty cart? While few developers ever get it completely right the first time (it might take some test runs to work out the kinks), for the most part, we can write such programs and confidently launch them before ever seeing a real customer. Our ability to manually design automated systems that drive functioning products and systems, often in novel situations, is a remarkable cognitive feat. And when you are able to devise solutions that work of the time, you typically should not be worrying about machine learning.

Fortunately for the growing community of machine learning scientists, many tasks that we would like to automate do not bend so easily to human ingenuity. Imagine huddling around the whiteboard with the smartest minds you know, but this time you are tackling one of the following problems:

  • Write a program that predicts tomorrow’s weather given geographic information, satellite images, and a trailing window of past weather.
  • Write a program that takes in a factoid question, expressed in free-form text, and answers it correctly.
  • Write a program that, given an image, identifies all of people depicted in it and draws outlines around each.
  • Write a program that presents users with products that they are likely to enjoy but unlikely, in the natural course of browsing, to encounter.

For these problems, even elite programmers would struggle to code up solutions from scratch. The reasons can vary. Sometimes the program that we are looking for follows a pattern that changes over time, so there is no fixed right answer! In such cases, any successful solution must adapt gracefully to a changing world. At other times, the relationship (say between pixels, and abstract categories) may be too complicated, requiring thousands or millions of computations and following unknown principles. In the case of image recognition, the precise steps required to perform the task lie beyond our conscious understanding, even though our subconscious cognitive processes execute the task effortlessly.

Machine learning is the study of algorithms that can learn from experience. As a machine learning algorithm accumulates more experience, typically in the form of observational data or interactions with an environment, its performance improves. Contrast this with our deterministic e-commerce platform, which follows the same business logic, no matter how much experience accrues, until the developers themselves learn and decide that it is time to update the software. In this book, we will teach you the fundamentals of machine learning, focusing in particular on deep learning, a powerful set of techniques driving innovations in areas as diverse as computer vision, natural language processing, healthcare, and genomics.

1.2.2. Models

Most machine learning involves transforming the data in some sense. We might want to build a system that ingests photos and predicts smiley-ness. Alternatively, we might want to ingest a set of sensor readings and predict how normal vs. anomalous the readings are. By model, we denote the computational machinery for ingesting data of one type, and spitting out predictions of a possibly different type. In particular, we are interested in statistical models that can be estimated from data. While simple models are perfectly capable of addressing appropriately simple problems, the problems that we focus on in this book stretch the limits of classical methods. Deep learning is differentiated from classical approaches principally by the set of powerful models that it focuses on. These models consist of many successive transformations of the data that are chained together top to bottom, thus the name deep learning. On our way to discussing deep models, we will also discuss some more traditional methods.

1.2.3. Objective Functions

Earlier, we introduced machine learning as learning from experience. By learning here, we mean improving at some task over time. But who is to say what constitutes an improvement? You might imagine that we could propose to update our model, and some people might disagree on whether the proposed update constituted an improvement or a decline.

In order to develop a formal mathematical system of learning machines, we need to have formal measures of how good (or bad) our models are. In machine learning, and optimization more generally, we call these objective functions. By convention, we usually define objective functions so that lower is better. This is merely a convention. You can take any function for which higher is better, and turn it into a new function that is qualitatively identical but for which lower is better by flipping the sign. Because lower is better, these functions are sometimes called loss functions.

When trying to predict numerical values, the most common loss function is squared error, i.e., the square of the difference between the prediction and the ground truth target. For classification, the most common objective is to minimize error rate, i.e., the fraction of examples on which our predictions disagree with the ground truth. Some objectives (e.g., squared error) are easy to optimize, while others (e.g., error rate) are difficult to optimize directly, owing to non-differentiability or other complications. In these cases, it is common to optimize a surrogate objective.

During optimization, we think of the loss as a function of the model’s parameters, and treat the training dataset as a constant. We learn the best values of our model’s parameters by minimizing the loss incurred on a set consisting of some number of examples collected for training. However, doing well on the training data does not guarantee that we will do well on unseen data. So we will typically want to split the available data into two partitions: the training dataset (or training set), for learning model parameters; and the test dataset (or test set), which is held out for evaluation. At the end of the day, we typically report how our models perform on both partitions. You could think of training performance as analogous to the scores that a student achieves on the practice exams used to prepare for some real final exam. Even if the results are encouraging, that does not guarantee success on the final exam. Over the course of studying, the student might begin to memorize the practice questions, appearing to master the topic but faltering when faced with previously unseen questions on the actual final exam. When a model performs well on the training set but fails to generalize to unseen data, we say that it is overfitting to the training data.

1.2.4. Optimization Algorithms

Once we have got some data source and representation, a model, and a well-defined objective function, we need an algorithm capable of searching for the best possible parameters for minimizing the loss function. Popular optimization algorithms for deep learning are based on an approach called gradient descent. In short, at each step, this method checks to see, for each parameter, which way the training set loss would move if you perturbed that parameter just a small amount. It then updates the parameter in the direction that lowers the loss.

1.3. Kinds of Machine Learning Problems

The wake word problem in our motivating example is just one among many problems that machine learning can tackle. To motivate the reader further and provide us with some common language that will follow us throughout the book, we now provide a broad overview of the landscape of machine learning problem formulations.

1.3.1. Supervised Learning

Supervised learning describes tasks where we are given a dataset containing both features and labels and tasked with producing a model to predict the labels given input features. Each feature–label pair is called an example. Sometimes, when the context is clear, we may use the term examples to refer to a collection of inputs, even when the corresponding labels are unknown. The supervision comes into play because for choosing the parameters, we (the supervisors) provide the model with a dataset consisting of labeled examples. In probabilistic terms, we typically are interested in estimating the conditional probability of a label given input features. While it is just one among several paradigms within machine learning, supervised learning accounts for the majority of successful applications of machine learning in industry. Partly, that is because many important tasks can be described crisply as estimating the probability of something unknown given a particular set of available data:

   Predict cancer vs. not cancer, given a computer tomography image.
   Predict the correct translation in French, given a sentence in English.
   Predict the price of a stock next month based on this month’s financial reporting data.

While all supervised learning problems are captured by the simple description “predicting the labels given input features”, supervised learning can take diverse forms and require tons of modeling decisions, depending on (among other considerations) the type, size, and quantity of the inputs and outputs. For example, we use different models to process sequences of arbitrary lengths and for processing fixed-length vector representations. We will visit many of these problems in depth throughout this book.

Informally, the learning process looks something like the following. First, grab a big collection of examples for which the features are known and select from them a random subset, acquiring the ground-truth labels for each. Sometimes these labels might be available data that have already been collected (e.g., did a patient die within the following year?) and other times we might need to employ human annotators to label the data, (e.g., assigning images to categories). Together, these inputs and corresponding labels comprise the training set. We feed the training dataset into a supervised learning algorithm, a function that takes as input a dataset and outputs another function: the learned model. Finally, we can feed previously unseen inputs to the learned model, using its outputs as predictions of the corresponding label. The full process is drawn in Fig. 1.3.1.


1.7. The Essence of Deep Learning

Thus far, we have talked about machine learning broadly. Deep learning is the subset of machine learning concerned with models based on many-layered neural networks. It is deep in precisely the sense that its models learn many layers of transformations. While this might sound narrow, deep learning has given rise to a dizzying array of models, techniques, problem formulations, and applications. Many intuitions have been developed to explain the benefits of depth. Arguably, all machine learning has many layers of computation, the first consisting of feature processing steps. What differentiates deep learning is that the operations learned at each of the many layers of representations are learned jointly from data.

The problems that we have discussed so far, such as learning from the raw audio signal, the raw pixel values of images, or mapping between sentences of arbitrary lengths and their counterparts in foreign languages, are those where deep learning excels and traditional methods falter. It turns out that these many-layered models are capable of addressing low-level perceptual data in a way that previous tools could not. Arguably the most significant commonality in deep learning methods is end-to-end training. That is, rather than assembling a system based on components that are individually tuned, one builds the system and then tunes their performance jointly. For instance, in computer vision scientists used to separate the process of feature engineering from the process of building machine learning models. The Canny edge detector (Canny, 1987) and Lowe’s SIFT feature extractor (Lowe, 2004) reigned supreme for over a decade as algorithms for mapping images into feature vectors. In bygone days, the crucial part of applying machine learning to these problems consisted of coming up with manually-engineered ways of transforming the data into some form amenable to shallow models. Unfortunately, there is only so little that humans can accomplish by ingenuity in comparison with a consistent evaluation over millions of choices carried out automatically by an algorithm. When deep learning took over, these feature extractors were replaced by automatically tuned filters, yielding superior accuracy.

Thus, one key advantage of deep learning is that it replaces not only the shallow models at the end of traditional learning pipelines, but also the labor-intensive process of feature engineering. Moreover, by replacing much of the domain-specific preprocessing, deep learning has eliminated many of the boundaries that previously separated computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, medical informatics, and other application areas, offering a unified set of tools for tackling diverse problems.

Beyond end-to-end training, we are experiencing a transition from parametric statistical descriptions to fully nonparametric models. When data is scarce, one needs to rely on simplifying assumptions about reality in order to obtain useful models. When data is abundant, these can be replaced by nonparametric models that better fit the data. To some extent, this mirrors the progress that physics experienced in the middle of the previous century with the availability of computers. Rather than solving parametric approximations of how electrons behave by hand, one can now resort to numerical simulations of the associated partial differential equations. This has led to much more accurate models, albeit often at the expense of explainability.

Another difference to previous work is the acceptance of suboptimal solutions, dealing with nonconvex nonlinear optimization problems, and the willingness to try things before proving them. This newfound empiricism in dealing with statistical problems, combined with a rapid influx of talent has led to rapid progress of practical algorithms, albeit in many cases at the expense of modifying and re-inventing tools that existed for decades.

In the end, the deep learning community prides itself on sharing tools across academic and corporate boundaries, releasing many excellent libraries, statistical models, and trained networks as open source. It is in this spirit that the notebooks forming this book are freely available for distribution and use. We have worked hard to lower the barriers of access for everyone to learn about deep learning and we hope that our readers will benefit from this.

1.8. Summary

Machine learning studies how computer systems can leverage experience (often data) to improve performance at specific tasks. It combines ideas from statistics, data mining, and optimization. Often, it is used as a means of implementing AI solutions. As a class of machine learning, representational learning focuses on how to automatically find the appropriate way to represent data. As multi-level representation learning through learning many layers of transformations, deep learning replaces not only the shallow models at the end of traditional machine learning pipelines, but also the labor-intensive process of feature engineering. Much of the recent progress in deep learning has been triggered by an abundance of data arising from cheap sensors and Internet-scale applications, and by significant progress in computation, mostly through GPUs. Besides, the availability of efficient deep learning frameworks has made design and implementation of whole system optimization significantly easier, which is a key component in obtaining high performance.


13. Computer Vision

13.1. Vision Augmentation

13.2 Fine-Tuning


In earlier chapters, we discussed how to train models on the Fashion-MNIST training dataset with only 60000 images. We also described ImageNet, the most widely used large-scale image dataset in academia, which has more than 10 million images and 1000 objects. However, the size of the dataset that we usually encounter is between those of the two datasets.

Suppose that we want to recognize different types of chairs from images, and then recommend purchase links to users. One possible method is to first identify 100 common chairs, take 1000 images of different angles for each chair, and then train a classification model on the collected image dataset. Although this chair dataset may be larger than the Fashion-MNIST dataset, the number of examples is still less than one-tenth of that in ImageNet. This may lead to overfitting of complicated models that are suitable for ImageNet on this chair dataset. Besides, due to the limited amount of training examples, the accuracy of the trained model may not meet practical requirements.

In order to address the above problems, an obvious solution is to collect more data. However, collecting and labeling data can take a lot of time and money. For example, in order to collect the ImageNet dataset, researchers have spent millions of dollars from research funding. Although the current data collection cost has been significantly reduced, this cost still cannot be ignored.

Another solution is to apply transfer learning to transfer the knowledge learned from the source dataset to the target dataset. For example, although most of the images in the ImageNet dataset have nothing to do with chairs, the model trained on this dataset may extract more general image features, which can help identify edges, textures, shapes, and object composition. These similar features may also be effective for recognizing chairs.

13.2.1. Steps

In this section, we will introduce a common technique in transfer learning: fine-tuning. As shown in Fig. 13.2.1, fine-tuning consists of the following four steps:

  1. Pretrain a neural network model, i.e., the source model, on a source dataset (e.g., the ImageNet dataset).
  2. Create a new neural network model, i.e., the target model. This copies all model designs and their parameters on the source model except the output layer. We assume that these model parameters contain the knowledge learned from the source dataset and this knowledge will also be applicable to the target dataset. We also assume that the output layer of the source model is closely related to the labels of the source dataset; thus it is not used in the target model.
  3. Add an output layer to the target model, whose number of outputs is the number of categories in the target dataset. Then randomly initialize the model parameters of this layer.
  4. Train the target model on the target dataset, such as a chair dataset. The output layer will be trained from scratch, while the parameters of all the other layers are fine-tuned based on the parameters of the source model.

Fig. 13.2.1 Fine tuning. When target datasets are much smaller than source datasets, fine-tuning helps to improve models’ generalization ability. ...



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2021 DiveIntoDeepLearningAlexander J. Smola
Mu Li
Zachary C Lipton
Aston Zhang
Dive Into Deep Learning2021