The Rational Number Sequence

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The Rational Number Sequence is a Formal Number Sequence composed of the Function Range of the Ratio Function over all Integer Numbers.


  • (Wikipedia, 2009) ⇒
    • In mathematics, a rational number is any number that can be expressed as the quotient a/b of two integers, with the denominator b not equal to zero. Since b may be equal to 1, every integer is a rational number. The set of all rational numbers is usually denoted \mathbb{Q} (for quotient).
    • The decimal expansion of a rational number always either terminates after finitely many digits or begins to repeat the same sequence of digits over and over. Moreover, any repeating or terminating decimal represents a rational number. These statements hold true not just for base 10, but also for binary, hexadecimal, or any other integer base.
    • A real number that is not rational is called irrational. Irrational numbers include √2, π, and e. The decimal expansion of an irrational number continues forever without repeating. Since the set of rational numbers is countable, and the set of real numbers is uncountable, almost every real number is irrational.