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A VerbNet is an English verb lexicon that is part of the SemLink project (in development at the University of Colorado).



  • (Wikipedia, 2016) ⇒ Retrieved:2016-5-24.
    • The VerbNet project maps PropBank verb types to their corresponding Levin classes. It is a lexical resource that incorporates both semantic and syntactic information about its contents.

      VerbNet is part of the [1] project in development at the University of Colorado.


    • VerbNet (VN) (Kipper-Schuler 2006) is the largest on-line verb lexicon currently available for English. It is a hierarchical domain-independent, broad-coverage verb lexicon with mappings to other lexical resources such as WordNet (Miller, 1990; Fellbaum, 1998), Xtag (XTAG Research Group, 2001), and FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998). VerbNet is organized into verb classes extending Levin (1993) classes through refinement and addition of subclasses to achieve syntactic and semantic coherence among members of a class. Each verb class in VN is completely described by thematic roles, selectional restrictions on the arguments, and frames consisting of a syntactic description and semantic predicates with a temporal function, in a manner similar to the event decomposition of Moens and Steedman (1988).

      Each VN class contains a set of syntactic descriptions, or syntactic frames, depicting the possible surface realizations of the argument structure for constructions such as transitive, intransitive, prepositional phrases, resultatives, and a large set of diathesis alternations. Semantic restrictions (such as animate, human, organization) are used to constrain the types of thematic roles allowed by the arguments, and further restrictions may be imposed to indicate the syntactic nature of the constituent likely to be associated with the thematic role. Syntactic frames may also be constrained in terms of which prepositions are allowed. Each frame is associated with explicit semantic information, expressed as a conjunction of boolean semantic predicates such as `motion,' `contact,' or `cause.' Each semantic predicate is associated with an event variable E that allows predicates to specify when in the event the predicate is true (start(E) for preparatory stage, during(E) for the culmination stage, and end(E) for the consequent stage). Figure 1. shows a complete entry for a frame in VerbNet class Hit-18.1.