2004 ACERDCGuidelines

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Subject Headings: ACE, ACE-2004


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1 Introduction

The goal of RDC is to detect and characterize relations of the targeted types between EDT entities. Every relation takes two primary arguments (the two entities that it links) and must be assigned one of the seven syntactic relation class types. For all of these types, with the exception of Verbal, the relation extent is limited to the noun phrase. Subtypes will be assigned to every relation further characterizing the identified relationships. For each Type, there is a set of possible Subtypes.

2 Types and Subtypes

A. Physical (PHYS)

Physical relations describe physical proximities of taggable entities.

1 Located

The Located relation captures the exact location of an entity.

  • St. Vartan's Cathedral, on Second Avenue
  • [PHYS.Located("St. Vartan's Cathedral, on Second Avenue", "Second Avenue")]

B. Personal/Social (PER-SOC)

Personal/Social relations describe the relationship between entities of type PER. No other entity type is allowed as an argument of these relations. The order of the arguments does not impact relations of this type. We record only that there exists a relationship between the entities.

  • a spokesman for the senator
  • [PER-SOC.Business("a spokesman for the senator", "the senator" )]

C. Employment/Membership/Subsidiary – (EMP-ORG)

This relation includes

  • Employment captures the relationship between PERs and the ORG or GPE by which they are employed. It is important to note that this relation is only valid when the PER is paid by the ORG. (PER – ORG), (PER – GPE)
  • Subsidiary captures the ownership, administrative, and other hierarchical relationships between organizations and between organizations and GPEs. (ORG – ORG), (ORG – GPE)
  • Membership captures the relationship between an agent (PER, ORG, GPE) and an organization of which they are a member. (ORG – ORG), (GPE – ORG), (PER – ORG)

D. Agent-Artifact (ART)

Agent-Artifact describes the relationship between agentive entities and artifacts.

E. PER/ORG Affiliation (Other-AFF)

PER/Org Affiliation describes relationships between entities that are not captured by other relation types.

= F. GPE Affiliation (GPE-AFF)

GPE Affiliation describes the relationship between entities of type PER and ORG and GPEs when more than one aspect of the GPE is referenced by the context of the text.

G. Discourse (DISC)

A Discourse (DISC) relation is one where a semantic part-whole or membership relation is established only for the purposes of the discourse. The whole or group referred to is not an official entity relevant to world knowledge. Instead, it has been constructed for solely the purposes of discursive efficiency.

2.2 Relation Lexical Condition

Unlike Entities and Events, Relations have no actual anchor in the text. The six relation classes are intended to provide justification for the tagging of each relation. With the exception of the Verbal class, the syntactic classes strictly limit taggable relations to those that are explicitly stated and fall within the maximum extent of the longest noun phrase.

