2004 FastDeepLinguisticStatisticalDepParsing

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Subject Headings: Dependency Grammar, Long-Distance Relationship.


  • It describes an implemented Dependency Parser.
  • It has a freely available implementation. [1]
  • Though it would likely take some time to install and integrate
  • Pro3Gres stands for PRObability-based, PROlog-implemented Parser for RObust Grammatical Relation Extraction System. It is a fast, broad-coverage, deep-syntactic parsing system. It is a flexible and perspicuous hybrid parser using easily editable hand-written rules and statistical lexicalization from the Penn Treebank. Its performance is state-of-the-art or almost state-of-the-art. Its statistical model is based on the decisions that (a human or a machine) parser has to take during the parsing process.

Cited By



  • We present and evaluate an implemented statistical minimal parsing strategy exploiting DG charateristics to permit fast, robust, deep-linguistic analysis of unrestricted text, and compare its probability model to (Collins, 1999) and an adaptation, (Dubey and Keller, 2003). We show that DG allows for the expression of the majority of English LDDs in a context-free way and o ers simple yet powerful statistical models.

1 Introduction

  • We present a fast, deep-linguistic statistical parser that pro ts from DG characteristics and that uses am minimal parsing strategy. First, we rely on nite-state based approaches as long as possible, secondly where parsing is necessary we keep it context-free as long as possible1. For low-level syntactic tasks, tagging and base-NP chunking is used, parsing only takes place between heads of chunks. Robust, successful parsers (Abney, 1995; Collins, 1999) have shown that this division of labour is particularly attractive for DG.
  • Deep-linguistic, Formal Grammar parsers have carefully crafted grammars written by professional linguists. But unrestricted real-world texts still pose a problem to NLP systems that are based on Formal Grammars. Few handcrafted, deep linguistic grammars achieve the coverage and robustness needed to parse large corpora (see (Riezler et al., 2002), (Burke et al., 2004) and (Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2002) for exceptions), and speed remains a serious challenge. The typical problems can be grouped as follows.


  • Steven P. Abney. (1995). Chunks and dependencies: Bringing processing evidence to bear on syntax. In Jennifer Cole, Georgia Green, and Jerry Morgan, editors, Computational Linguistics and the Foundations of Linguistic Theory, pages 145{164. CSLI.
  • M. Burke, A. Cahill, R. O'Donovan, J. van Genabith, and A. Way. (2004). Treebank-based acquisistion of wide-coverage, probabilistic LFG resources: Project overview, results and evaluation. In The First International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-04), Workshop "Beyond shallow analyses - Formalisms and statistical modeling for deep analyses", Sanya City, China.
  • Aoife Cahill, Michael Burke, Ruth O'Donovan, Josef van Genabith, and Andy Way. (2004). Long-distance dependency resolution in automatically acquired wide-coverage PCFG-based LFG approximations. In: Proceedings of ACL-2004, Barcelona, Spain.
  • John Carroll, Guido Minnen, and Ted Briscoe. (1999). Corpus annotation for parser evaluation. In: Proceedings of the EACL-99 Post-Conference Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora, Bergen, Norway.
  • Eugene Charniak. (2000). A maximum-entropy-inspired parser. In: Proceedings of the North American Chapter of the ACL, pages 132{139.
  • Noam Chomsky. (1995). The Minimalist Program. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • Hoojung Chung and Hae-Chang Rim. (2003). A

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  • Michael A. Covington. (1994). An empirically

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  • Richard Hudson. (1984). Word Grammar. Basil

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  • Fabio Rinaldi, James Dowdall, Gerold Schneider, and Andreas Persidis. 2004a. Answering Questions in the Genomics Domain. In ACL 2004 Workshop on Question Answering in restricted domains, Barcelona, Spain, 21{26 July.
  • Fabio Rinaldi, Michael Hess, James Dowdall, Diego Moll a, and Rolf Schwitter. 2004b. Question answering in terminology-rich technical domains. In Mark Maybury, editor, New Directions in Question Answering. MIT/AAAI Press.
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 AUTHOR = "Gerold Schneider, Fabio Rinaldi, James Dowdall",
 TITLE = "Fast, Deep-Linguistic Statistical Minimalist Dependency Parsing",
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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2004 FastDeepLinguisticStatisticalDepParsingGerold Schneider
Fabio Rinaldi
James Dowdall
Fast, Deep-linguistic Statistical Minimalist Dependency ParsingProceedings of the COLING 2004 Workshop on Recent Advances in Dependency Grammarshttp://acl.ldc.upenn.edu/coling2004/W4/pdf/5.pdf2004