2004 TowardsTerascaleKnowledgeAcquisition

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Subject Headings: Web-based Information Extraction, Is-A Relation.


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Although vast amounts of textual data are freely available, many NLP algorithms exploit only a minute percentage of it. In this paper, we study the challenges of working at the terascale. We present an algorithm, designed for the terascale, for mining is-a relations that achieves similar performance to a state-of-the-art linguistically-rich method. We focus on the accuracy of these two systems as a function of processing time and corpus size.

Pattern-based approaches

Marti Hearst (1992) was the first to use a pattern-based approach to extract hyponym relations from a raw corpus. She used an iterative process to semi-automatically learn patterns. However, a corpus of 20MB words yielded only 400 examples. Our pattern-based algorithm is very similar to the one used by Hearst. She uses seed examples to manually discover her patterns whearas we use a minimal edit distance algorithm to automatically discover the patterns.

Riloff and Shepherd (1997) used a semiautomatic method for discovering similar words using a few seed examples by using pattern-based techniques and human supervision. Berland and Charniak (1999) used similar pattern-based techniques and other heuristics to extract meronymy (part-whole) relations. They reported an accuracy of about 55% precision on a corpus of 100,000 words. Girju et al. (2003). improved upon Berland and Charniak’s work using a machine learning filter. Mann (2002) and Fleischman et al. (2003). used part of speech patterns to extract a subset of hyponym relations involving proper nouns.

Our pattern-based algorithm differs from these approaches in two ways. We learn lexico-POS patterns in an automatic way. Also, the patterns are learned with the specific goal of scaling to the terascale (see Table 2).

Scalable pattern-based approach

We propose an algorithm for learning highly scalable lexico-POS patterns. Given two sentences with their surface form and part of speech tags, the algorithm finds the optimal lexico-POS alignment. For example, consider the following 2 sentences:

  • 1) Platinum is a precious metal.
  • 2) Molybdenum is a metal.

Applying a POS tagger (Brill 1995) gives the following output: Surface Platinum is a precious metal .

 POS         NNP      VBZ   DT     JJ         NN      .

Surface Molybdenum is a metal . POS NNP VBZ DT NN .

A very good pattern to generalize from the alignment of these two strings would be Surface is a metal .

 POS     NNP                           .

We use the following notation to denote this alignment: "_NNP is a (*s*) metal.", where "_NNP represents the POS tag NNP".

To perform such alignments we introduce two wildcard operators, skip (*s*) and wildcard (*g*). The skip operator represents 0 or 1 instance of any word (similar to the \w* pattern in Perl), while the wildcard operator represents exactly 1 instance of any word (similar to the \w+ pattern in Perl).


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 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2004 TowardsTerascaleKnowledgeAcquisitionEduard Hovy
Patrick Pantel
Deepak Ravichandran
Towards Terascale Knowledge Acquisitionhttp://www.isi.edu/natural-language/people/ravichan/papers/coling04.pdf10.3115/1220355.1220466