2006 MarkovLogicNetworks

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Subject Headings: Markov Logic Network, Global Collective Classification Algorithm.


Cited By



  • Statistical relational learning - Markov networks - Markov random fields - Log-linear models - Graphical models - First-order logic - Satisfiability - Inductive logic programming - Knowledge-based model construction - Markov chain Monte Carlo - Pseudo-likelihood - Link prediction


  • We propose a simple approach to combining first-order logic and probabilistic graphical models in a single representation. A Markov logic network (MLN) is a first-order knowledge base with a weight attached to each formula (or clause). Together with a set of constants representing objects in the domain, it specifies a ground Markov network containing one feature for each possible grounding of a first-order formula in the KB, with the corresponding weight. Inference in MLNs is performed by MCMC over the minimal subset of the ground network required for answering the query. Weights are efficiently learned from relational databases by iteratively optimizing a pseudo-likelihood measure. Optionally, additional clauses are learned using inductive logic programming techniques. Experiments with a real-world database and knowledge base in a university domain illustrate the promise of this approach.


 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2006 MarkovLogicNetworksPedro Domingos
Matthew Richardson
Markov Logic NetworksMachine Learning (ML) Subject Areahttp://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/pedrod/kbmn.pdf10.1007/s10994-006-5833-12006