2013 BoredomonFacebook

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Subject Headings: Boredom, Killing Time.


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I come to praise boredom, not to bury it. And boredom, for its part, is far from defeated. Indeed, all the more that we take up arms against it, and seek to surround and overtake it, all the more does it stand before us, quiet, resolute, unmoved.

Much can be said against boredom. Boredom is a listless casting-about for purpose; the drifting existential anguish of one's life experienced as meaningless, even if only temporarily so. It is the feeling that nothing is really worth it, where ‘it’ may be time or effort, and often a vanishingly small amount of either. But boredom is not depression: it does not claim that nothing is actually worth it, or that there is no purpose, only that, at this time, we don't feel that purpose, and don't care to get anything done.



 AuthorvolumeDate ValuetitletypejournaltitleUrldoinoteyear
2013 BoredomonFacebookDylan E. WittkowerBoredom on Facebook