BioMedLM Model

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A BioMedLM Model is a biomedical LM.



    • QUOTE: BioMedLM 2.7B is new language model trained exclusively on biomedical abstracts and papers from The Pile. This GPT-style model can achieve strong results on a variety of biomedical NLP tasks, including a new state of the art performance of 50.3% accuracy on the MedQA biomedical question-answering task.

      As an autoregressive language model, BioMedLM 2.7B can also generate natural language. However, we have only begun to explore the generation capabilities and limitations of this model, and we emphasize that this model’s generation capabilities are for research purposes only and not suitable for production. In releasing this model, we hope to advance both the development of biomedical NLP applications and best practices for responsibly training and utilizing domain-specific language models; issues of reliability, truthfulness, and explainability are top of mind for us.