Compliance Report

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A Compliance Report is an organization report that ... compliance rules.



    • QUOTE: ... A compliance report is the documented evidence you must produce to auditors to prove your company is compliant with the requirements put in place by a government and regulatory agency under a particular regulation. Compliance reports determine the compliance initiatives that have been effectively undertaken and the areas that need to be worked on to ensure full compliance. Besides being used as proof for submission to auditors, compliance reports can be utilized to make better decisions about risk management, allocation of resources and additional measures with respect to compliance. Neither compliance nor the generation of compliance reports are one-and-done affairs. As standards, reporting requirements and threats evolve, businesses are required to generate the necessary reporting to meet the requirements of various compliance regulations. ...

      ... Compliance reports can be built in various forms with a focus on several key business matters. Most have a pre-determined structure based on the requirements of a specific industry standard or regulation. Some of the most common types focus on key aspects such as the security of sensitive data (cybersecurity/IT), financial records, health and safety, payroll, human resources, management standards, etc. ...


  • (Burnier, 2005) ⇒ M Burnier. (2005). “Compliance in Hypertension.” EDTNA‐ERCA Journal 31, no. 3
    • ABSTRACT: ... Despite improvements in the management of hypertension in the past several years, nearly 70% of patients with hypertension are not adequately controlled. Today's physician treating hypertension is armed with numerous efficacious antihypertensive agents. Thus, one of the major contributors to the large number of uncontrolled hypertensive patients appears to be non-compliance with prescribed regimens. Non-compliance is a universal characteristic and can affect all patients. However, the major problem of non-compliance is that it remains largely unrecognised in clinical practice. Several types of non-compliance exist with the ‘drug holiday’ being the most common. Good communication with the patient and the entire health care team is critical in increasing patient compliance. Long-acting medications that provide good blood pressure control beyond the 24-hour dosing period should be considered drugs of choice in non-compliant hypertensive patients. This article will discuss different types of compliance, methods to measure compliance, and clinical consequences of non-compliance in hypertension. ...
    • QUOTE: … One major advantage of the monitoring system is that it provides a compliance report as shown in Figure 3. With such data in hands, physicians can really start a constructive discussion on compliance with their patients and intervene rapidly when episodes of poor compliance …