Firebase Export to BigQuery

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A Firebase Export to BigQuery is a Firebase export into BigQuery.



    • QUOTE: ... This article will help you explore the beneficial features of Google BigQuery and Firebase Analytics, along with the two methods you can leverage to establish Firebase Analytics BigQuery Integration for optimized use. You will also read about the best practices for exporting data in Firebase Analytics BigQuery Integration and quick steps to carry out the export. ...


      Ways to Set Up Google Firebase BigQuery Integration


    • QUOTE: At Google I/O this May 2016, Firebase announced a new suite of products to help developers build mobile apps. Firebase Analytics, a part of the new Firebase platform, is a tool that automatically captures data on how people are using your iOS and Android app, and lets you define your own custom app events. When the data's captured, it’s available through a dashboard in the Firebase console. One of my favorite cloud integrations with the new Firebase platform is the ability to export raw data from Firebase Analytics to Google BigQuery for custom analysis. This custom analysis is particularly useful for aggregating data from the iOS and Android versions of your app, and accessing custom parameters passed in your Firebase Analytics events. Let’s take a look at what you can do with this powerful combination. ... Firebase automatically exports a new table to an associated BigQuery dataset every day. If you have both iOS and Android versions of your app, Firebase exports the data for each platform into a separate dataset. Each table contains the user activity and demographic data automatically captured by Firebase Analytics, along with any custom events you’re capturing in your app. Thus, after exporting one week’s worth of data for a cross-platform app, your BigQuery project would contain two datasets, each with seven tables: