International Society for Knowledge Organization

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The International Society for Knowledge Organization is a Learned Society for Knowledge Organization Discipline.



    • Founded in 1989, ISKO is the leading international society for organization of knowledge. ISKO has a broad and interdisciplinary scope. ISKO's mission is to advance conceptual work in knowledge organization in all kinds of forms, and for all kinds of purposes, such as databases, libraries, dictionaries and the Internet.
    • As an interdisciplinary society, ISKO brings together professionals from many different fields. ISKO counts more than 500 members all over the world, from fields such as information science, philosophy, linguistics, computer science, as well as special domains such as medical informatics.
    • In order to achieve its mission and goals, ISKO works to
      • promote research, development and applications of knowledge organization systems that advance the philosophical, psychological and semantic approaches for ordering knowledge
      • provide the means of communication and networking on knowledge organization for its members
      • function as a connecting link between all institutions and national societies, working with problems related to the conceptual organization and processing of knowledge
    • Knowledge Organization (ISSN 0943-7444) is the official quarterly journal of ISKO. It was founded in 1973 by Dr. Ingetraut Dahlberg, the first President of ISKO, with a consulting board of editors representing the world's regions, the special classification fields, and the subject areas involved. The journal began publication in 1974 with the title International Classification; in 1989, it became the official organ of ISKO; and in 1993 (Volume 20), the title was changed to its present form. From 1974 to 1980 it was published by K. G. Saur Verlag of München; from 1981 to 1997 by Indeks Verlag of Frankfurt; and since 1998 by Ergon Verlag of Würzburg. The contents of the journal are indexed and abstracted in Information Science Abstracts, INSPEC, Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA), Library Literature, PASCAL, Referativnyi Zhurnal Informatika, and Sociological Abstracts.