Academic Conference
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An Academic Conference is a conference where researchers present research results that apply to some academic discipline.
- AKA: Scholarly Conference, Scientific Conference, Research Conference.
- Context:
- It must includes one or more Research Presentations.
- It can be organized by a Learned Society.
- It can have a Peer Review Process for accepting Research Presentations.
- It can have a Conference Proceeding.
- It can include one or more Research Papers.
- Example(s):
- Artificial Intelligence Conferences, such as: AAAI Conference.
- Machine Learning Research Conferences, such as: ICML Conference, NIPS Conference, COLT Conference, ...
- Data Mining Research Conferences, such as: SIGKDD Conference, ICDM Conference, PAKDD Conference, ...
- WWW Conference, ISWC Conference.
- K-CAP Conference, EKAW Conference.
- …
- Counter-Example(s):
- “Interop Conference”, an Industry Conference.
- See: Academic Workshop.
- An academic conference is a conference for researchers (not always academics) to present and discuss their work. Together with academic or scientific journals, conferences provide an important channel for exchange of information between researchers.