Software Architectural Decision

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An Software Architectural Decision is a architectural decision that is a software design choice which influences software architecture.



  1. Fowler, M. (2003). “Design – Who needs an architect?". IEEE Software. 20 (5): 11–44. doi:10.1109/MS.2003.1231144
  2. Booch, G., abstracting-the-unknown, SATURN 2016 keynote


  • (Wikipedia, 2022) ⇒ Retrieved:2022-8-10.
    • Architectural decisions influence and impact the non-functional characteristics of a system. Each architectural decision describes a concrete, architecturally significant design issue (a.k.a. design problem, decision required) for which several potential solutions (a.k.a. options, alternatives) exist. An architectural decision captures the result of a conscious, often collaborative option selection process and provides design rationale for the decision making outcome, e.g., by referencing one or more of the quality attributes addressed by the architectural decision and answering "why" questions about the design and option selection. Architectural decisions concern a software system as a whole, or one or more of the core components of such a system. Types of architectural decisions are the selection of architectural tactics and patterns, of integration technologies, and of middleware, as well as related implementation strategies and assets (both commercial products and open source projects). Software architecture design is a wicked problem, therefore architectural decisions are difficult to get right. Often, no single optimal solution for any given set of architecture design problems exists. Architectural decision making is a core responsibility of software architects; additional motivation for/of the importance of architectural decisions as a first-class concept in software architecture can be found online.